chapter 13

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Yeonjun's pov~~
Why mom why ? Why you did this to us ? Did you forget dad ? i think we should leave right now. Let's talk tomorrow.
Mom: o-
Soo Hyun Hyung: you can't Mr Kim.
Everyone was confused.
Jin: but why Hyung ?
Soo Hyun: it's snowing outside and government has asked everyone not to get out of their houses. So you guys have to stay here for today. (A/n: seriously what am I writing ? )
Y/n was crying so much, suddenly she ran upstairs we know where she went we also went behind her except for Soo Hyun Hyung cause right now she cannot be left alone. She locked the door and we started banging the door.
Soobin: y/niee baby please open the door. Please baby.
Y/n: oppa please leave me alone for sometime. Please.
She said from inside.
Kai: no baby we can't leave you alone.
Y/n: oppa please i will come out when i will feel like. Please.
Taehyun was about to say something but i gestured him not to.
Me: okay baby but please come out.
Then we went away from there and went downstairs. Soo Hyun Hyung came to us
Soo Hyun Hyung: what happened ? Where is she ?
Soobin: Hyung she locked herself inside dad's room. She said she will come out when she will like.
Soo Hyun Hyung: it's okay leave her alone for sometime. We'll check on her later. As for now let's show everyone their rooms so that they can take some rest.
We nodded and went in the living room where everyone is. Mom came upto us running
Mom: where is y/n ?
Beomgyu: mom she is in dad's room. She locked herself up.
Mom was shocked because y/n never locks herself in room. She was about to go when
Soo Hyun Hyung stopped her
Mom: let me go soo Hyun.
Soo Hyun Hyung: mom let her be alone for sometime she will come out. As for now you take Mr Kim in your room and i will show others their rooms.
She nodded and went with Mr Kim. I was shocked how can Hyung say like that but leave my first priority is my sister.
Soo Hyun Hyung: come we will show you your rooms.
Then we also went with them and showed them their rooms and went to our rooms as well.

Y/n's pov~~
I was in dad's room. I was crying so much. It is feeling suffocating so much here. I got up from the bed and unlocked the door and peeped out just to see if anyone is awake or not. The way is clear. I first went to my room and took my overcoat and then went to the garage and took my car and went to my safe place.

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I started driving though oppa told not to come out as it is snowing but i care less

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I started driving though oppa told not to come out as it is snowing but i care less. I was speeding my car and crying so much. I reached there in 10 minutes and that place is.........................

I parked my car and went to my dad's grave.
Me: hey dad. How are you ? I know we met some days before but still i am your daughter so i have to take care of you. I am sorry i couldn't come to meet you here since last few weeks.
I sat there and cried my heart out.

Kai's pov~~
I was not able to sleep. I did everything to make myself to sleep. I played video games to divert my mind , i opened my maths book and tried to solve some problems but still i cannot sleep. I sighed and kept the book back. I went to check on y/n in dad's room but the room was not locked. As far as I know y/n always locks this room then what happened today ? I went to check her room as well but it ? I went in and called her out
Me: y/niee baby ? Where are you ?
Strange. I went to check the bathroom but she is not here as well. Maybe she went out? Oh no it's snowing outside and she must have took her car with her. Shit! I ran out of the room and went to Soo Hyun Hyung's room and started banging the door.
Me: Hyung , Hyung open the door.
He opened the door and
Soo Hyun Hyung: what happened kai ?
Me: Hyung y/n is not at home.
Soo Hyun: what?
Me: yes Hyung i checked every room but she is not here.
Soo Hyun Hyung: go wake up everyone fast.
I nodded and went to my every Hyungs room and told them to come in living room.

Soon everyone came in the living room. Bangpink and Mr Kim are also here. 
Yeonjun Hyung: what happened ?
Me: Hyung y/n is not at home.
Everyone eyes widened.
Taehyun Hyung: but where did she went ?
Soo Hyun Hyung: we don't have time for this  soobin track her.
Then soobin Hyung started tracking her.
Soobin: holy moly. What is she doing at graveyard ?
Me: Hyung she must have gone to meet dad.
I said dad in a whisper.
Beomgyu: but it's snowing outside.   
Yeonjun Hyung: come let's go and bring her back.
We nodded but got stopped
Soo Hyun Hyung: no only two go.Yeonjun and kai you both go.
We nodded and were going but got stopped again by Mr Kim
Mr Kim: jin jisoo you both also go.
They nodded and came with us. We went to the garage took our car and went to the location.

Timeskip to graveyard
Yeonjun's pov~~
As soon as we reached the graveyard we started to find her. We stopped by a sound of crying we followed the sound and what we saw made my and Kai's heart break. Our baby was hitting her hand on the grave and blood was flowing out of her hand. We immediately went to her and stopped her
Me: y/n stop baby. You are hurting yourself.
We tried to stop her but she was out of control but suddenly she stopped we saw her and she was breathing heavily
Y/n: oppa i-i-i am no-not a go-good daughter.
With that she fainted in my arms.
Kai: Hyung let's take her to house. Her body is numb right now. Fast.
I nodded and picked her up bridal style and went to the car. I sat in the back seat with her in my arms , jin in drive seat , jisoo in passenger seat and kai is taking her car. Jin started the car and was driving with full speed. Soon we reached home and opened the door and took her to her room. Everyone came inside the and mom was crying so much.
We quickly switched on the heater and wrapped her in the blanket. Mom, beomgyu and Taehyun started to rub her legs and hands. Soo Hyun Hyung came with a bowl filled with warm water i guess, wetted the towel in it and put it on y/n's forehead. I sighed and looked at my siblings.
Me: mom and everyone i guess you all should go and sleep now. Two of us will stay here.
Mom: no i will stay here only with my baby.
Soo Hyun: mom please go and take some rest. Please.
She nodded and Mr Kim took her. Bangpink also went and it's just us siblings.
Me: so who is going to stay with me ?
Soobin: we all are staying here.
Me: you guys go and sleep.  
Kai: Hyung we will be sleeping there also so why not here only.
Me: okay.
Then everyone adjusted themselves on the couch and two of us with y/n in between so she gets enough warmth to make her body warm. Then we all slept.

Stay tuned for next part ❤️❤️

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