chapter 16

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Y/n's pov~~
After getting changed i went downstairs to the dinning room to see everyone sitting there. I went and sat between kai oppa and Taehyung.

Me: sorry i got late because of a phone call.

Lisa: it's okay.

Then the maids started to serve us food and we started eating. The food is awesome.

Me: the food is awesome. Who made it ?

Jungkook: it's our jin Hyung and Jisoo noona.

Me: it's awesome guys.

Jin and Jisoo: thank you. Eat more.

I nodded and ate my food. After eating we all were sitting in the living room. Then we heard footsteps and we saw elders all ready to go somewhere.

Author's pov ~~
Jungkook: Hyung where are you going ?

Seokjin: we have an meeting to attend. We all are going except for Jennie. She is not feeling a little well.

Jimin: what happened to Jennie noona ?

Suga: nothing that idiot just ate too much ice creams so her throat is paining.

Seokjin: i gave her some medicines she will be alright in some time but don't trouble her much.

Lisa: okay oppa.

Then they all went. And now there are only maknaes

Jimin: so what should we-

He was cut off by y/n's phone.

Y/n: sorry. Excuse me.

Then she went to pick up the phone.

Y/n's pov~~
We all were sitting when my phone started to ring. I excused myself and went to attend the call. I checked the caller ID and it was Jackson oppa.

On the phone
Me: yes oppa.
Jackson oppa: queen you need to come to headquarters. Now.
When he said queen i understood there is something related to Mafia work.
Me: what happened ?
Jackson oppa: y/n its urgent and bring everyone with you.
Me: okay i am coming
Phone call ended.

I immediately went to the living room and

Y/n: oppas ummm we have to go.

Jimin: where are you going ?
This jimin guy, can't i shoot him right here.
Y/n: none of your business.

Then we all went to our cars and went to headquarters. On my way i called oppas there.

Timeskip to headquarters

We went inside and i was walking in the middle of my oppas cause i am the queen

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We went inside and i was walking in the middle of my oppas cause i am the queen. Everyone bowed to me and we went in our meeting room.

( Imagine the table is long for everyone to fit)

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( Imagine the table is long for everyone to fit).

As soon as I entered got7 and astro oppas bowed to me. We all took our seats and

Author's pov ~~
Black rose (y/n): what is it Wang ( Jackson) ?

Wang: queen two days before there was a attack on the base 2

Her eyes widened because that was the base where they keep all their weapons. Everyone in the room was shock.

Wolf ( Soo Hyun) : who did that ?

Wang(Jackson): it was kangs ( just random)

Black rose (y/n): what's the condition?

Wang(Jackson): actually two days before when we went to our grandma's house, i got a call from the Leo (just random) that base 2 has been attacked. Luckily there was none they could take with them as the guards reached their on time.

She sighed in relief. But she changed her expression into a smirking one. Her brothers are really scared of her when she is like this.

Black rose (y/n): hell(mark) and dark (eunwoo) how are those mans who were spy ?

Hell(mark): the one who i am handling didn't opened his mouth. Looks like he is too loyal to his boss.

Black rose (y/n): loyalty ? That's the word which is never trusted. Dark(eunwoo) ?

Dark(eunwoo): same. He is also not opening his mouth.

Black rose (y/n): looks like i have to handle this myself. Get these two in one room.

They both nodded and went to take them to torcher room.

In the torcher room.
They entered the roo seeing the two men tied up on the chairs.
Black rose (y/n): guards wake them up.
The guards splashed water on their faces and they woke up looking all terrified.
Man1: where am I ?
Man2: what the fuck is happening here ?
Wang(Jackson): quite you're in front of queen.
They both looked at y/n and started shaking due to fear. Then y/n went to them and slapped the first man.
Black rose (y/n): for whom do you work ?
Man2: i won't tell you.
Black rose (y/n): is that so ? Okay then boys start your work.
Then they started to torcher them with knife, punches and many more tools. (sorry i am not writing all this ).

Y/n's pov~~
Aish they are fainted by now.
Me: you guys are too harsh with them. See you made them unconscious. Now just give them the injection and we have to wait till they wake up.
Then they injected them the injection and we all came out of the room and cleaned ourselves. Astro oppas and got7 oppas already went home.
Me: okay so let's go home.
I said to my oppas.
Soo Hyun oppa: nah you guys go we three still have some work to complete in the office so you guys go.
Then we bid them bye and went to our cars and came home. When we came home, we ringed the bell and lisa opened the door.
Lisa: oh you guys came back.
Then we went inside and sat down on the sofa where everyone else were sitting.
Jimin: so did your work finished ?
We nodded.
Then we saw Jennie coming downstairs looking all fine.
Jennie: oh you guys came back ? Come let's have some dinner since oppas and unnie will be late so they said we can have our dinner.
Beomgyu oppa: are you okay Jennie ssi ?
Jennie: yes i am fine now. Come let's go.
Me: give us some time we'll go and get changed.
They nodded and we went to get changed. After getting changed we all went downstairs and sat at the dinning table. The food was served and we all started to eat. Everyone was talking when beomgyu oppa asked me
Beomgyu oppa: y/n when are you going to Italy ?
Me: tomorrow. Kyun? (Why ? )
Beomgyu oppa: nothing just asking. And when will you come back ?
Me: after two months.
Kai oppa: humein call karna agar humari zarurat pade. (call us if you need us).
I know why he said that in Hindi. So that bangpink doesn't understand.
Me: okay.
After we finished our food we went to our rooms and slept. Oppas will be coming late so they told us to sleep.

Stay tuned for next part ❤️❤️☺️

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