Chapter 1 - Rebirth

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Galadriel's shock did not betray her face as she gazed upon your face in the mirror. Rarely, in her thousands of years, was she ever truly debased by the unfolding events presented. Yet, here you appeared, unmistakably in her realm. She saw you smiling a true, deep smile that made your eyes shine, as sunlight danced among your barely blue hair. You shone from within, you radiated contentment, power, and security. The red-hot question of 'how?' branded Galadriel's mind as her breath hitched, imperceptible to all, save for Celeborn.
Celeborn made a silent motion to gesture all others in the vicinity to take their leave. Suspecting nothing more than a husband wishing to be alone with his wife, they silently took heed. He watched as his love gripped the edges of the bowl, closing her eyes.
"Pray tell, what have you foreseen that troubles you so, my love?" Celeborn whispered as he gently moved Galadriel's hair away from her face. She opened her eyes and sighed.
"I know not how this can be, but it was clear, Celeborn. As crystal clear as the water in the mirror. Gaeariel will walk among us once more." Galadriel scoured Celeborn's eyes for any scope of reaction. His eyes widened, his face crossed by wonder. He stood deathly still, supressing all immediate questions from his lips, while he considered what Galadriel uttered.
Finally, he spoke. "Gaeariel, the one and same elleth who controls sea, the water and rivers is reborn, now? Galadriel, as you well know, the Valar rarely grant such a resurrection, especially when it has been so long since their original life. I wonder what this way comes."
Galadriel took Celeborn's hand in her own, and wondered the same thing. Her vision did not allude to being on the cusp of danger; however, she knew well her visions did not always come to pass, or indeed come to pass as they initially appeared. She would look into the mirror again tomorrow, and see if she gained any further clarity.
The route to morning was long for Galadriel and plagued by thoughts of you. Why were you coming back now, when the world seemed at peace? She had seen your wrath of water and it was one to be reckoned with. A powerful ally in battle you would make. She knew your control of bodies of water could range from a mere drizzle to flooding, to tsunami. She felt as if even now, from another plane of existence you were commanding the water in her eyes to take charge, as tears fell from her fair face. She felt an ache in her heart, where it once was filled with an agonising void after you were slain. The Battle of Dagorlad. One never forgotten by elves, but long since forgotten by men. Oropher and his inability to concede power to another, and charge forth regardless, caused your death. His folly ensured your life would be ensnared in the fate of another. She bitterly chastised the Valar for taking your life for that of Thranduil. Alas, deep down Galadriel was aware the elves of Eryn Lasgalen needed a king, while you were a ruler unto the prowess of the sea.
Revered among your own kind - the Teleri - you were the only of your kind who stayed behind, knowing the Valar had other plans for your fate. However revered among the Teleri you were, it fell short of how other elves viewed you. It was borderline worship. Not for your battle prowess, your water wielding but for your voice. Your voice was unlike anything ever heard before or since. It brought whatever the song needed. As with all Teleri, music was your passion. Elves who heard you sing, those that were still alive at least, even now fondly smile at the remembrance. All those present at Dagorlad heard you sing before battle commenced, and for many it was a reason to keep fighting, in honour of your death. Many, both men and elves, swore they heard your voice sing victorious when years later, the war was finally won.
Galadriel remembered the day Elrond told her you were slain, as if it were yesterday. The pain, the emptiness in his eyes, which all save Galadriel put down to battle weariness and trauma. She knew his loss. She once thought Elrond and you were the perfect match of calm and storm and was frankly surprised when he asked for permission to court Celebrian. She never knew why you and Elrond did not act upon the clear match, and never asked. However, she long had her suspicions that it was not Elrond who vetoed such a union.
Again, the question encircled and burdened Galadriel, why were you coming back? The more she pondered, the more she was convinced you were coming back. What could the Valar plan for her dear friend Gaeariel when you had already fulfilled your destiny?
Finally, as the first rays of sunlight glittered upon the sea, sleep found Galadriel.

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