Chapter 24 - The Meeting

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You paced up and down the talan awaiting news on this meeting. Knowing Elrond, he would do it either exceedingly early or ridiculously late. You suspected the former, hence your pacing before daybreak. You inadvertently hugged yourself, trying to find some comfort. You thought about waking Haldir, but he was back on patrol today, and it seemed grossly unfair to disturb him. Although had he been aware of your plight, he would have been annoyed you did not seek his comfort. He would gladly sacrifice rest for you all day, every day. You played with the necklace that Galadriel gave you. You wished to Eru things would be alright.

Tea, you decided would be a good distraction. You were heating up some water, when a soft knock came to your attention. It was Orophin, flushed and breathless. "It has begun. You must make haste, run!" he bent over, hands grasping his knees as he tried to catch his breath. Elves rarely got out of breath, so his fleetness was apparent. You did not stop to grab an overcoat, instead you ran to the hall of Celeborn and Galadriel. The guards let you right in.

"I think it best we wait until all are here, Elrond." Celeborn said evenly.

"It is of no concern to me, if she cannot pull herself from her marital bed. We can only assume she longer cares of the fate that belies Lorien!" Elrond snarled.

"You are here." Galadriel smiled to you. She offered you a glass of clear water. You silently thanked her.

"I was not informed of the meeting, save by a loyal friend." You said as you bowed to Celeborn and Galadriel.

"It matters not." Celeborn assured gently. He guided you by the arm to sit beside him, as Galadriel sat opposite you with Elrond.

"It is now time to act." Argued Elrond. "We must give aid at Helm's deep!"

"Oh, must we?" you scoffed, "And why suddenly now? Pray tell your plans?

"Elves fought alongside men before, it is only right we assist." Elrond said.

"So we give up Lothlorien?" you looked around.

"Thranduil of Mirkwood has asked for our assistance defending his borders, too." Spoke Celeborn, "We can deny him no longer."

"So you and Galadriel are going to leave these lands?" you looked to Celeborn.

"I am afraid we must. We can no longer defend our own lands, we must support the others, in hope for respite should the darkness lift." He stated.

"And you refuse to provide support, Elrond?" you accused.

"I do no such thing, we are besieged ourselves! And we offer a place of healing and hope to all who need it."

You stood, in anger, "So, the ellon warriors of Galadhrim go to Helm's Deep, I assume then elleth warriors will assist you and Galadriel in Mirkwood? All other elleths, ellons and elfings head to Imladris? And we let Caras Galadhon burn?" your fists grasped at the air in frustration.

"I am afraid it must be this way, Sellig." Spoke Galadriel. "Thranduil has offered us the south of Mirkwood, should we survive."

"I will need armour forged to assist you in Mirkwood." You grumbled.

"You will not be going to Mirkwood." Elrond stepped in, "You will be accompanying me to Imladris. Since you have the power over water, you can secure our defences round the river."

You looked in desperation to Galadriel and Celeborn, who said nothing. Eventually Celeborn averted your wounded gaze.

"Galadriel, tell me this is not true?" you cried as Elrond smirked.

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