Chapter 22 - The Bonding

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You were awoken by a maid called Lainthel. She was the elleth who had created your soft rose gown.

After washing and drying yourself, she assisted you in putting the gown on, and sewed the back closed. You had never in your life been sewn into a dress.

"Do not worry my Lady, it is normal practice." Lainthel reassured you, sensing your trepidation. "And worry not the damage upon removal." You had not expected such humour from Galadriel's dress maker, and you laughed.

"Thank you Lainthel." You said and she nodded, pins in her mouth as she made final quick adjustments.

"There, perfect. You look like a Queen. And if I may say, this is wonderful timing my lady, everyone is excited about the feast tonight. They will be so pleasantly surprised when they find out why we are feasting! I am sure it will be spoken of for many centuries to come." Lainthel said as she straightened your cape.

Finally, Galadriel entered, dressed in her usual white. Her gown was white lace overlayed on satin. Huge sleeves hid her hands and arms. She wore a silver circlet which made her hair appear silver-gold. She brushed through your hair, and placed the golden sunbeam crown atop your head, and the pendant with her hair.

"I would like you to keep this pendant after you are bonded." She kindly spoke. "It is a gift of union from Celeborn and I."

"Thank you." Was all you could manage, but you wanted to say so much more.

"It is time." Said Galadriel as she guided you out the room, and on the other side of the door waited Celeborn. He was dressed in white to match Galadriel. A white tunic with silver and gems around the neck. He smiled at you, as he took your left hand, and Galadriel took your right. Holding hands in the air, it was a ceremonial gesture of them guiding you to your new life with your betrothed. They took you to their hall, the same hall that your discussion with them and Elrond was in yesterday. The same guards were appointed outside the door, although you could not see them. You were taken in a small, well hidden side door.

As you were escorted into the room, Haldir audibly gasped at your beauty. You were utterly resplendent. Haldir stood, handsome in pale blue with matching knee-high boots. His long blond hair hung freely, save for 2 small braids around his ears. Beside him stood Rumil and Orophin, dressed in navy robes. As you were guided across from Haldir, in front of you stood Dandreal. His round face broke into a smile as you acknowledged each other.

"We are here today to bear witness to the bonding of Haldir and Gaeariel in fëar and hröar, so they may meet as one in this life and the next. We observe their bonding to protect their love should they be separated by time, circumstance or death. With the exchange of these two rings, may Eru bind them." Said Dandreal as he presented forth the two rings.

Haldir slid the ring on your finger, "May Eru bear witness to my bond."

You slid the ring on the finger of Haldir, "May the Valar reunite us, always."

Dandreal stated, "May you kiss to seal your fate, fëar and hröar!"

You and Haldir stepped forwards to each other and kissed. His arms pulling you close as he smiled into your kiss. With that, your blue fëa to his orange, left your chests and glittered and danced for all present to see. Unlike before, instead of just twisting and undulating together, this time they mixed completely together, until melded as one. A chestnut shade of brown. Like the trunks of old around the forest, it was pure, natural, and ancient.

"It is done." He whispered. His hand grazed your neck as he pulled you in for another kiss. Loving, gentle caresses with his lips.

You both stepped back, and Galadriel came forward to present Haldir with a clasp, with blue gems to wear to close his robes. This signified the union of houses and acceptance of Haldir to your chosen family.

"Congratulations, old friend." Dandreal said and presented you with a scroll. In the most beaitful handwriting was details of your union with Haldir, the date and a detailed family tree of you both. He had even included your chosen family of Galadriel and Celeborn. You wept happy tears as you wished Celebrian had been here to bear witness your bonding.

Your union was now complete and witnessed. The Valar would honour your union should you find yourself separated, but the the connection of souls would not be complete until consummation. Unfortunately, there were duties you must attend to first.

You were led away by Celeborn and Galadriel while Haldir went with his brothers. You finally looked down at your ring. It was gold fashioned into branches entwined, with a labradorite gem on the apex. It was beautiful. Galadriel saw you admire it, "That was his mother's ring. He kept it all this time." She said. "She faded not long after his father was slain. He and his brothers felt it right for you to now wear it."

"I am deeply touched. I did not think it possible this ring could hold any more meaning for me." You said as you held your hand to your heart.

"Now, we must present you both to the square. All residents of our realm are waiting. Celeborn and I will go out first, and Dandreal will tell you when to step out." She smiled, a pure honest smile which showed her teeth. She was pleased to show you off to her realm. That happiness may be shared.

You smoothed your dress as you tried to soothe your nerves. This was nothing like a little sing song, you thought. You were excited to be presented as a full couple with Haldir, and this thought kept you calm.

"It is time Gaeariel." Dandreal took your arm to show you to Celeborn and Galadriel. They were standing holding hands lightly, as they spoke in unison, "We now present Haldir, Marchwarden of Lothlorien and his bonded Gaeariel, Lady of the Teleri." Dandreal guided you forward to meet Haldir and take his hand. The crowd of elves, whistled, shouted and cheered. Fireworks were let off in colours of blue and orange. Glasses of wine were lifted as your connection to Haldir was imbibed to. Finally, you looked to your husband. He was in full Galadhrim armour, as a salute to times of old, when suitors would parade in armour to petition houses for betrothal. You bit your lip as you saw how incredibly handsome he looked. The gold armour made his hair appear even more blonde and light reflected on his face in the most appetising way. Over his armour was the bright red cape which made your blue hair appear bluer. After goading and cheering from the crowd, you turned to each other and kissed. This was one of the few times elves were expected show displays of affection publicly. You looked to a sea of smiling faces and felt pure elation. What you failed to see was Elrond scowling into his wine, cursing your vows.

Dandreal took the centre stage, and told everyone it was time to head into the halls and eat, and drink and celebrate, which lead to a roar of appreciation and songs. In this time, it was your and Haldir's duty to walk round the square and have people greet you and congratulate you both. Finally, when everyone else had entered the great hall, you and Haldir could enter, hand in hand.

To everyone already in the hall, you and Haldir standing in the great archway looked like a painting, as if from legend. Warrior wed warrior and in these dark times, your union gave them hope for the elves and their future. 

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