Chapter 16 - Lament for Mithrandir

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As soon as you made it back within the walls of Caras Galadhon, you had to find Dandreal. After asking numerous elves, you finally found him sitting on a bench reading. His eyes crinkled like crepe paper when he smiled and saw you.

"Mellon, it is good to see you!" he said. He looked at you and his smile faltered. "What is it?"

"Dandreal, we must sing for Mithrandir. He has fallen into darkness. Gather everyone quickly and we will start at the square in 10 minutes. We will need barrels of wine, as well. Can you do that?" You asked.

"Of course, old friend. We will gather as soon as is possible." He shouted back as he was already walking away. Good, this means you had time to change into the appropriate attire for mourning.

Unlike men, for elves it is not customary to wear black when grieving a loss. For elves, they wear red, to signify the blood and life force of another. You ran to Haldir's Talan, just off the square and changed into your deep red gown. It was a sweetheart neckline, the edges embroidered with golden forget-me-nots. The sleeves were a close fit until the elbows until if flared out fully, and was lined with golden silk. The skirt clung to your form, until just under the knees where it was fluted like a trumpet. It was the finest garment you owned. Since elves were so enthralled by appearance, it meant when mourning, it was even more important to look the part. You pull your long light blue hair down and placed the red sheer veil across your face, and held it in place with a golden circlet. This meant tears could be hidden, and appearances kept elegant.

You ran to the square. Your friend Dandreal was there, wine already in hand mourning his long-time friend Mithrandir. Dandreal was one of the few remaining elves who knew you from your previous incarnation, and had more heartbreak than you.

"Please sing for us, Gaeariel. It is only fitting you do so. I can think of no other voice that Mithrandir would care to lament him." Tears finally dropped, swirling into his wine, red stained the tears, as though blood.

You began to sing in your mother-tongue Quenya, and hailed Mithrandir as the first name you knew of him: Olorin.

A i yáresse
Mentaner i Númenherui
Tírien i Rómenóri
i Oiosaila
Manan elye etevanne
Nórie i melanelye?

(Olórin, who once was...
Sent by the
To guard the
Wisest of all
What drove you to leave
That which you loved?)

Tears began to leave their trail down your face. Your voice rose above others, as other elves, the trees and other living creatures lent their harmonies. You saw Dandreal's shoulders quiver as he plucked the lute which brought forth more silent tears on your part. There was singing to be done but you didn't know if you could swallow down the lump in your throat. As you steadied yourself on the barrel of wine next to you, you caught movement at the side of your eye. It was Haldir, Rumil, Orophin and the fellowship. So, you continued in Sindarin:

Mithrandir, Mithrandir, A Randir Vithren
ú-reniathach i amar galen
I reniad lín ne mór, nuithannen
In gwidh ristennin, i fae narchannen
I lach ed ardhon gwannen
Caled veleg, ethuiannen.

(Mithrandir, Mithrandir O Pilgrim Grey
No more will you wander the green fields of this earth
Your journey has ended in darkness.
The bonds cut, the spirit broken
The has left this
A great light, extinguished.)

You heard Legolas explain it was a lament to Gandalf, as the group stood to watch. You turned fully to face them, as you saw one of the halfings ask what the song tells of him, alas poor Legolas. His grief was too near. So unlike his father, you thought to yourself. You hoped this loss did not blacken or harden his heart. The group stood, letting your voice carry over them and compound yet comfort their grief.

As your voice stopped, you saw one of the halflings ask Aragorn who you were. "That Master Took, is Gaeariel. You have just witnessed the voice of legend, one of the last Teleri. Many would give their lives to hear such a performance. Her voice was said to carry the win at the battle of Dagorlad, it was said you could hear her voice on the wind at the defeat of Sauron in the war of the last alliance."

"She is beautiful" Pippin practically swooned.

"That she is, young master." Haldir agreed as he took your hand to help you step down from the square. He couldn't help but smile a little, despite the sorrowful circumstances. You were a vision of perfection to him. You ached for him to hold you, and his heart gnawed at him to provide you comfort. But it was not the appropriate time. Instead, he pulled you to side slightly, and spoke, "I must take them to meet with Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn." He then leaned forward and whispered in your ear, "Later meleth-nin, I will hold you, soothe your heart."

You nodded and looked up to see Pippin gesturing about you and Haldir to his friends, while Aragorn noticing Pippin had been seen, cleared his throat and nudged the halfling. Haldir, rarely showing his affections in public after the feast of Mëlme, bent down, closed his eyes and let his lips graze your hand. With that, you watched after the group as they headed towards the quarters of the Lord and Lady. You wondered what awaited them there, as you stepped back up to the square to continue the lament.

Once mentally and physically exhausted, you stepped down from the square, and left the other elves to reminisce of Mithrandir and times of old, by song and words. You looked over to poor Dandreal who's head lilted forward, in a drunken stupor over his lute. You considered taking him back to his Talan, but you knew when he awoke, he would want to do so in company. So, you let him be. You removed your veil and circlet and walked the path to Haldir's Talan.

You were surprised to see him already there, greeting you with a warm herbal tea with honey. He took your circlet and veil as he handed you the cup.

"I heard your singing had stopped as I escorted the group to the guest quarters. I knew you would not be far behind me." He explained. You wrapped your hands round the warmth of the cup and you felt the lump rise in your throat at his simple display of kindness. It still felt so foreign, so undeserved. You gathered yourself and managed to speak, "What happened with Galadriel and Celeborn?"

"They have instructed them to stay a while before heading back out. They were followed by Uruk-hai bearing the white hand of Saruman, who remain on our borders. The fate of us all now lies in the hands of the halfling, Frodo." He shook his head slightly, exasperated at the impossibility of the situation.

You put down your cup and thrust yourself into his arms. You could hold it no longer, the sobs wracked your body like an earthquake. Your hands grabbed Haldir's tunic in tight fists, trying to pull him in to mend your heart. He held you, arms unyielding as you struggled to catch your breath. When your body finally calmed, you felt Haldir's rough thumbs wipe your tears away. You saw his eyes full of sorrow, as he softly and gently kissed you. "My heart breaks with yours." His lips caressed yours, as you both gasped for breath between locking of lips. He trailed kisses from the corner of your mouth down to your neck, his voice vibrating into your body as he spoke again, "The world may be full of darkness and loss, but that makes the love and light shine only brighter, meleth-nin." His hand went down your arm, finding your hand and coiled his fingers round yours as he continued to worship your neck with his mouth. 

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