Chapter 15 - The Fall

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Haldir requested a meeting with Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn. This being highly unusual from the Marchwarden, the lady of light granted an audience immediately. She now suspected she wasn't alone in the dream of the fellowship.

"My Lady," Haldir bowed with his hand on heart, "I come to bear news and to seek guidance." His face was grave. Galadriel nodded for him to continue, "Gaeariel has seen the coming of the fellowship from Moria."

Celeborn said, "I wondered why I could no longer see vision of him." He looked to Galadriel.

"I forsaw the same last night. The darkness comes forth, and beyond that lies destruction of whether ring is destroyed or not." She paused. "You patrol with your brothers tonight?"

"Indeed." said Haldir.

"Then, take Gaeariel with you." This was how she saw the night unfold. She knew you would go, whether granted permission or not. At least this way, Haldir would be aware of your presence.

Haldir nodded, unsure of why Galadriel wished it so, but he knew better than to question. He knew that great evil was coming to Lothlorien that night.

As the night wandered closer, you pulled on your black leggings, black tunic and black leather gauntlets. You tightened your black leather belt and baldric and checked your knife.

Haldir stole a look as he saw your belt pull your tunic to your insistent curves. You caught the smirk playing on the corner of his lip, as you pulled him close by his brown leather belt.

"See something you like Marchwarden?" you teased.

"Indeed, I was only admiring your sword, my lady" his eyes glinted playfully.

"Ah in that case, I shall give you my sword and finish dressing." You made to leave and he pulled you back and laughed into your kiss. For a moment you wished you could abandon this night, and consummate your love by candlelight. Your kiss deepened, hungrily seeking to be sated by him. Bodies pressed, heat enveloping and wandering hands, both your excitement grew.

Haldir pulled back, his eyes black burning coals of desire, breathlessly whispered, "Soon." And placed a kiss on your forehead. You smiled and kissed his hand. "Soon." You agreed. He pinned the grey cloak across your shoulders and gently lifted your hair from underneath, and you returned the gesture. Even on patrol, elves were pristine.

As you met at the patrol flet, Rumil and Orophin greeted you with warm smiles and bowed.

"It is a pleasure to have you accompany us, my lady." Rumil offered. Orophin snorted, "Yes, brother. You are just glad it is not the time for duelling with her. I was informed the scream you made from the training grounds were heard in Mirkwood!" He laughed as Rumil playfully elbowed him.

"Thank you for accepting me on your patrol. And may I say Rumil, I am sure many damsels were freed from peril due to your scream." Rumil smiled and rolled his eyes.

As the moon rose, Haldir ensured you were always beside him. When Rumil and Orophin extended patrols across other flets, he would hold your hand as you both watched and listened for signs of movement. You nodded to him, as both your elf eyes saw a group on the horizon.

Haldir signalled to Rumil and Orophin to gather others to head towards the group.

Over trees and flets your grouped gracefully loped. When closer, you and Haldir exchanged amused looks as you could hear the Dwarf huffing and complaining.

You all descended the trees and pointed your arrows to the group.

"I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox!" the Dwarf declared.

"The dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him blind." Haldir stepped forward. "Come, follow us to somewhere safer." The group surrounded them, and guided them up to the nearest flet that could be reached without climbing the trees.

You stood back, as Haldir greeted them all. He first welcomed the elf, who was no other than Thranduil's son. You wondered if this was all the plan of the Valar, the sacrifice of your life in battle for Thranduil's, enabling his son to be here, now, in the fellowship. Legolas shot you a knowing smile, as you dipped your head in respect.

You watched as Haldir spoke with Aragorn of the dunedain and the dwarf. He complained that no one spoke in westron.

"We haven't had dealings with the Dwarves since the dark days." Haldir's acidity could be heard by all.

You saw Aragorn's face flinch as the Dwarf said he would spit on Haldir's grave. Your hand tightened on your sword, and you made to step forward, but Rumil grasped the crook of your arm and shook his head. You relented and stayed behind the Marchwarden.

After Haldir looked down his nose in complete disgust at the Dwarf, he considered saying more, but would not tarnish the reputation of elves at something so petty.

He spotted the halfings behind the elf and men, and his eyes, as did yours, locked on the ring-bearer.

"You bring great evil to these woods." Spinning on his heel, he dismisses Aragorn by telling him they may not enter Caras Galadhon.

Aragorn looked to you quizzingly. He had heard speak from other rangers of your return and from the mouth of Legolas, but had not believed it until he saw you with his own eyes.

He grabbed your arm, "Please, the road is dangerous." His elvish was perfect, had you not known he was of man, you would have sworn he had the accent of Imladris. Haldir spun round, and swiftly removed his arm from yours, and stood between you, as the rest of the elves stepped forward.

Aragorn looked from you to Haldir, and lifted his arms as a sign of peace. The other elves stepped back in place. "Please Haldir, we need your help. We cannot do this alone." Aragorn's eyes followed you as you walked round to observe the rest of the group.

You heard the man commiserate with the ring bearer, Frodo, about the loss of Gandalf. You felt your heart drop. "It is true, then." You said.

The man turned and looked at you, and stood. "I am Boromir, Son of Denethor, Steward of Gondor. At your service." He leant down kissed your hand. "I am afraid it is so. You knew him?"

"Yes, Mithrandir has ever been a beacon of great hope for me." You were devasted for your own loss, and wondered how this mission could be successful without him. You gazed into Frodo's eyes and saw nothing but pain, loss and weariness. "How did this happen?" you asked.

You saw Frodo unable to speak, so turned to Boromir. He too, choked up and shook his head gently. A voice spoke in elvish, "He fell into darkness and fire. A balrog, my lady." It was Legolas. His bright blue eyes full of depth and sorrow. As much as elves were fierce, stoic, warriors, their hearts were softer, suffering more loss than any mortal man.

You heard Haldir and Aragorn continue to argue in the background.

"A balrog?" you asked.

Clearly hurting, he nodded, and you put your hand gently on his shoulder. This looked like nothing for the men and halfings, but for elves was a profound statement of sympathy. He closed his eyes and whispered "Thank you." and bowed.

You turned to Aragorn and Haldir, and during a pause you touched Haldir's arm. He looked to you, and you whispered in his ear, so that only he could hear, "It is true. Mithrandir has fallen." He nodded, and knew he must bring them forth to Lord and Lady.

While Aragorn had you both, he begged for your support. Angrily, Haldir snapped, "You are endangering us, even bringing this evil. And you have been followed!" He frowned. "However, now I am aware of other circumstances, and you may enter. The dwarf however, must be blindfolded."

He sidestepped Aragorn, and spoke in the plain English, "You may follow me." He produced a blindfold, to which Gimli protested. "The hospitality of elves my ars..."

"Gimli!" A voice interrupted before he could finish. Aragorn continued, "You must. We have no other choice."

Muttering and grumbling, he agreed as Legolas deftly tied the blindfold.

Before departing, you whispered with Haldir, "I must go. There must be preparations to honour Mithrandir." He nodded "Be swift, be watchful meleth-nin."

You ran ahead, as Haldir lead the way walking for the group.   

Song of the Marchwarden - A Deathless DeathWhere stories live. Discover now