Chapter 7 - A Trade

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You surprisingly awoke before Haldir. His arm still round you, his peaceful breathing on your neck as the birds chirped. You turned to face him. He was a striking ellon when awake, but by Valar he was something else when asleep. The peaceful grace that surrounded him, a hardened warrior in a state of sheer serenity. Your eyes drifted to his lips. Full and pouty and your heart skipped a beat as the thought of kissing them, feeling the softness and wetness that lay beyond.

By the time your thoughts were grounded back in reality, Haldir was staring at you. He thought you looked beautiful, hair wrecked by sleep, eyes bright and green and lips inviting. He leaned closer, and for a moment you thought he was going to kiss you. He thought he was going to kiss you. Instead, he touched your hair. Held it through his fingers into the sunlight. He had never seen a colour like it, and a gentle smile curved his lips.

"It really is blue, isn't it? I had often wondered if the legends spoke true." He mused.

"Yes, good morning to you too, Haldir!" You both chuckled at each other. You swallowed, "when do we leave, and when must I wear the blindfold?"

"We leave after breakfast, and the blindfold once we descend from the Talan."

Haldir held the blindfold and motioned for you to place it over your eyes. You started to shake.

"Haldir, I am so frightened." Tears welled in your eyes. "I do not know that I can wear another blindfold so soon."

"We will be at the waterfall within 2 days if we make haste. I will be here. I will not leave your side, even for a second, my lady. I swear to protect you, now and until the day I breathe no longer" He never felt so wrong following orders before.

He carefully placed the blindfold around your head, and you heard him walk behind you. You struggled to maintain your breathing, and he gently moved your hair to tie the blindfold. Sheer lightning bolted through you both as his fingertips brushed your skin.

"I am here." he spoke as his hand drifted from the back of your neck, across your shoulder and down to your hand. He took yours in his, and interlaced your fingers.

He guided you through the forest, and you could feel the sunlight on your skin. He took both your hands when required to guide you through rocky terrain, all while regaling you of stories of his youth. You found out he had two brothers and had served as Marchwarden for most of his adult life. He also divulged how he enjoyed sketching in his spare time, a hobby you could not quite reconcile. The freedom of pencil to paper, a stark contrast to his accountability to his land and leaders.

"Promise to show me them when we get to Caras Galadhon!" you pleaded with the Marchwarden as you beseeched by squeezing the firm hand in yours.

"I can show you as soon as we can remove your blindfold, my lady. But I think only a trade of talent is fair, is it not? The legends say your voice harmonises with he very hum of the forest. So, if I show mine, you must agree to sing yours in exchange?"

This sounded more a command than a question, but nonetheless you acquiesced, "That sounds only right." Truth be told, you had forgotten your innate passion for music since your return to life. Your lone survival and singing were opposing forces in this incarnation.

Suddenly you sensed danger. Haldir had stopped in his tracks. You smelled before you heard. The smell of decay, death and filth. Then the thunderous drum of thousands of feet marching and the screech of black speech.

"Get the elf-witch, dead or alive!"


Your breathing was out of control, and you felt the cool air hit your face as your blindfold was swiftly removed.

"UP!" Haldir pushed you up the tree to the platform of the watch station above. He was hot on your heels as he pushed you in front to keep walking. Along the rope bridge, you both ran 2 steps to the beat of every one of the Orc's.

"Are you skilled with bow and arrow as you are with a long sword?" He questioned. Even he sounded flustered.

"I am sufficient enough!" As you reached the next Talan, he threw you a quiver and bow. He spoke with the warden on duty, a young ellon, with dark hair barely to his shoulders. The colour drained from his face as he quickly saluted the Marchwarden, and he ran off. Presumably to send word for back up.

You turned and faced the coming onslaught. You and Haldir stood side by side shooting arrow after arrow, taking Orcs out. They squealed demonically, but as many as you killed, more strode forward. They were advancing closer by the minute.

Pulling another arrow from your quiver, "Haldir, we cannot win. Fall back, get reinforcements!"

"I promised I would not leave your side, my lady. That is not something I intend to break, even in the face of death."

"There are a thousand, you are going to allow them entry to Lorien, imagine what havoc they will wreak across your home?!" you cried.

He made no motion to move. Exasperation flowed through you with every heartbeat. You could not him die, you couldn't let the orcs advance forward. Although Lorien was not your home, you could not let innocent elves die. You had to do this. For the greater good.

You put down your bow, and stood in front of Haldir. You cupped his face in your hands, and time seemed to stop. You could feel his heartbeat in yours. The hiss of an arrow by your ear brought you back to here and now.

"You will know what to do" you said into his ear, as you pushed him away. "Go!" He stood watching you. You pushed him, tears in your eyes, knowing this could be the last words you speak, "Get help, Haldir."

You ran to the front of the talan, cast your arms up to the sky and screamed.

"With every power in my being granted by Eru, give me the grace and strength to do what is needed!"

For Haldir, time seemed to move as if underwater. He watched as you repeated your mantra. Rain flowing from the sky, only over you. He realised now, what you were going to do. He wanted to move, to stop you but his feet were disobeying his intent. He watched in horror, helpless as you directed your arms to the orcs. There was deathly silence as the black blood of orcs exploded from their earthly bodies and ran in a river of doom.

He ran to you, catching you as you fell. The rain stopped. Watching you limp and lifeless in his arms, he could do nothing. He held you for some time, feeling an ache grow in his chest. 

Song of the Marchwarden - A Deathless DeathWhere stories live. Discover now