Chapter 18 - The Departure of the Fellowship

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You, Haldir and others of the Galadhrim marched slowly along the river, where the fellowship would leave Lothlorien. Once there, you were strategically dotted along the river banks, around Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel. You were slightly behind Galadriel, and Haldir was slightly behind Celeborn. Other elves packed supplies into the boats for the departing group. They all bowed in thanks as they stepped into the boats.

"Farewell." Spoke Galadriel, as you spotted flashes of movement across the river. Orcs. You and Haldir looked to one another, silently communicating you had both seen. Once the fellowship was out of sight, Lady Galadriel and Celeborn retreated.

You and Haldir stepped forward and he signalled for others to spread further out. Arrows started flying towards you all. Faster than light, arrows of the Galadhrim rained over as unearthly screams and squeals were heard.

As you and other Elven kin retreated back, the Uruk-hai moved forward, throwing trolls down in the water, to march over them. They quickly made it over the water, and you drew your sword. Haldir's face was ashen, as he realised there was no way to protect you, and you all must fight.

Reams of the Uruk-hai stepped forward as battle commenced. You swung low, quickly realising their only weak spots were the neck. As each advanced towards you, you ruthlessly beheaded all in your path. Arrows of the Galadhrim took out the arrow wielding orcs. Once they were no more arrows, those in the trees jumped down, gracefully, swords extended. You were woefully outnumbered, but Elves did not tire easily.

The orcs began throwing fire into to woods, devastating the trees. The fire burned an unnatural blue, the work of Saruman, undoubtedly. Between clashing of swords, you stole looks to Haldir, who's fair hair was marred with sprays of black orc blood. You spun your sword into the orc in front, and your face was splattered with the foul black life force of the orc. The flames of the forest were travelling fast, and you commanded the rain to fall to quench the flames.

You impaled another orc, and your sword became stuck fast as it fell to the ground. You dodged a flying flail above your head, as you bent to your boots to obtain your daggers.

You twirled a dance of death as your dagger in each hand sliced the throats of the orcs surrounding you.

The rain was now heavy, and the skies darkened. You stood for a moment to catch your breath and were going to use your powers to kill the last of the orcs. You stood, arms in the air and spoke, "With every power in my being granted by Eru, give me the grace and strength to do what is needed!"

You felt power surge through you and an invisible wave of power leave your hands, heading towards the remaining orcs. This wave, creating a small ripple in the air, bounced off them and did nothing. Instead, the ripple came back towards you, like bouncing ball, you were knocked to the ground with no major damage. Haldir ran towards you, "Are you alright?"

"Of course!" you jumped up and continued fighting in the rain and mud until all orcs were slain.

By nightfall, the area was secured again as new wardens came to remove the bodies of the orcs, since their decay would ruin the lands. The healers came to remove the injured and the dead.

Walking back towards the square Haldir found you. "You fought well my love. Some of the younger ones were in awe with your dagger work. Are you injured in any way?" He pulled you to a stop, concern etched into his handsome features. Even now, hair flattened to his face by rain and sweat, face dirtied with mud and the black blood of orcs, he was still the most beautiful creature you had ever seen. He still took your breath away. "I am fine, tired but fine." You smiled. "And you?" He lifted his sleeve to show a wound, peri-wound skin already blackened.

"Haldir, you must get this seen to, as soon as possible!" He shook his head, "I will let the other get seen to first."

"Haldir, this will only fester, you cannot leave this wound!" Your eyes searched wildly searched for Athelas. "Wait." you instructed, as you found some and crushed the leaves and forced it into his wound. He grimaced and hissed a thank you.

"Now come, we must debrief with Galadriel and Celeborn together. I have unwelcome developments they must know." You said quietly, so only he could hear. He nodded and you walked back in silence, until you reached the Talan of the Lord and Lady.

You stood silently as Haldir explained the developments, estimated losses, injured and the extent of the fire damage. You wondered now whether your powers not working was to do with calling the rain, and perhaps you had been too quick to jump to conclusions. Celeborn broke your chain of thought. "What have you the need to tell us, child?" as he gently grasped your upper arm, a rare sign of affection from the Lord.

"I believe it as we feared, my powers appear useless against the Uruk-hai."

"You brought forth rain, did you not?" Celeborn questioned.

"I did, but it is not that they stop my power, they appear immune to it. I could see it bounce off them. I was reduced to combat only." You hung your head in shame, feeling useless if you had no power to offer.

Celeborn stepped forward and lifted your chin to bring your eyes to his. "You have much to offer beyond your powers. It is as we feared, Saruman indeed has infused your blood in the creations of the Uruk." He looked at Haldir, "Elrond is on his way from Imladris, we will commune to unite our thoughts on how to tackle the assault on both our lands."

You internally groaned at the idea of Elrond returning, but you understood why. If Imladris were too under attack, it only made sense to agree together on how to proceed. Elrond could also inform of any incoming troops of orcs on his way and any other happenings from his land.

Before you left, "Palantiriel, would you look at Haldir's arm?" He opened his mouth to protest, but Galadriel was already over to him chanting and holding her hand over his wound. "You cannot leave this poison to chance, Marchwarden." She whispered a warning in his ear, "You know that more than most. Do not leave Gaeariel as your father left your mother. Gaeariel is dear to me, do not hurt her needlessly on folly." He nodded, and chided himself for his foolishness. 

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