Chapter 23 - The Consummation

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After your entrance, Haldir left to change into his previous light blue outfit. Seated on your side was Galadriel and Celeborn, while Haldir's brothers Rumil and Orophin sat next to him. Conversation flowed easily and soon you found your stomach full from the feast, your heart filled with love, while your blood was filled with too much Dorwinion wine. Your pulse quickened as you felt Haldir's leg rest against your crossed legs. His thick, strong lags clad in knee high leather boots grated delightfully against the material of your dress as he slowly, painfully teased your leg with his. While in conversation with his brothers, he turned to look at you briefly, with the most devilish look on his face. You could not help the jolt of electricity in your core as you involuntarily bit your lip. Blushing, you turned to Galadriel and Celeborn.

"Thank you for the most wonderful of days. I am always speechless at your kindness to me." You said as you fiddled with the necklace Galadriel gifted you.

"There is no need for thanks, your happiness says all the thanks we could hope for." Galadriel spoke. "We are blessed to see such a union. As the time of elves draws ever closer to an end, it is a sight to behold the matching of souls."

You reflected on Galadriel and Celeborn, they had been together ever since you met them. Their love borne in mutual respect and worship. Understanding and complementing the others' strength and weaknesses. They were the most wondrous looking couple and you understood why men and dwarves alike thought them not of this world. You bit the words aching to leap from your tongue, as you wished their daughter, Celebrian was here to bear witness as you had happily bore witness to her with Elrond. Celeborn looked to you and his eyes said the same thing. You were about to speak when Dandreal sounded a trumpet and spoke, "It is now time to observe the dance of houses." This meant that Celeborn and Galadriel stood to dance first, while all encircled by all others, then you and Haldir would follow, then his brothers, then all others could join.

As Galadriel and Celeborn danced, they were the epitome of grace. Blond hair intertwined with blond while they appeared as one. It was far from the first time many elves of their realm had seen them dance, but all were rapt. After 2 verses, it was time for you and Haldir to step up. He was surprisingly supple despite his nerves. His hand was the small of your back, and as he twirled you, he pulled you closer. Your chest against his was the most welcome crush. Your hand was around his neck, hidden under his golden hair as you felt his hips grind against yours while you swayed together. Soon his brothers appeared on the floor, Orophin with Anna and Rumil with an elf you knew from the guard as Ohtaro. Rumil winked at you, as he and Ohtaro spun past you.

You brought your eyes to Haldir who was already staring at you. You were lost in his gaze as other couples joined the dance floor. Finally, he leant forward and kissed you gently on the lips, working his way from the corner of your mouth and breathing heavily into your ear. "Come, let us escape this." He whispered into your ear. His lips nipping your neck as he inhaled you.

Barely able to speak you managed, "We must wait until at least this dance has finished!"

A sinful smile, "As you wish, my lady."

In the cover of the crowd, he pushed you against the nearest pillar, as his pushed his leg between yours to open them. He pressed the weight of his chest into yours as one hand hungrily mapped your thigh and the other squeezed your hair tight in his fist as he pulled you into his carnivorous kiss. He discretely lifted his knee to provide friction that you could not help but push into. Breathless and flushed, he tiled his head slowly as he asked, "I ask again my lady, shall we escape this?"

Breathless and aroused, all you could manage was a small nod. "As I thought." He smirked, as he kissed the corner of your mouth. He stepped away from you and you immediately missed his heat, he held his hand out and you took it. Haldir practically dragged you to his Talan, wordless and invitingly rough.

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