Chapter 9 - The Feast of Love

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You and Haldir stood hand in hand watching the fireworks above, as waterhorses, dragons, and eagles engulfed the sky in flashes of green, white and gold.

"The Feast of Mëlme." Haldir explained.

You turned and faced him. "They still celebrate that?" you asked incredulously. A feast of love that lasted three days, where young elleths and ellons of age for that year could petition their houses for betrothal. It was a huge affair that whole realm often attended. Apart from the wardens on duty, you supposed.

"We will make it in time to attend the remainder, if you so wish my lady. We have missed the petitions, but you will see the rest." Haldir attempted a smile.

"You will not attend?"

He explained he had never been to one. He always took duty so the younger ellons could go and enjoy themselves.

"Haldir, you must. I insist you accompany me." You smiled.

He chuckled, "It is not customary for those who aren't courting or betrothed to attend together, my lady. Nor do I have the appropriate attire."

You remembered your white dress. You asked Haldir to check what was in his saddle bag. He rolled his eyes, but did as you asked. You saw a flash of silver. And you ran to the other side of the horse before he could hide what he held. In his arms was a magnificent white tunic, with shiny silver embroidery around the neckline.

"I see it already decided that you attend with me, Marchwarden."

You finally lay down your head to sleep, unable to stop yourself biting your lip with excitement.

Morning came, and Haldir was up, mat already rolled away. Head buried in his sketch book, he finally looked up at you. Valar, those eyes could make you melt.

"Finally." He teased and you saw the smile break into his eyes. Neither of you dared speak of the would-be kiss last night. Each fearing the other was filled with regret. Haldir could have watched you sleep for days, and blushed slightly at the thought of what you would say, if you knew he had been sketching you.

Haldir drove the muscled beast hard to get to Caras Galadhon in time for the evening festivities. As you both rode through the streets, Haldir was met with bows and greetings, while eyes met yours with confusion and many whispers. He stopped outside a Talan, near enough to the main square, but down a one-way street that no one would dare enter, unless they had business. It was the warden district, where all unmarried ellons, more recently elleths too had their abode. As Marchwarden, Haldir's was separated from the others, and was off the path, hidden by trees.

You both dismounted and walked up the dirt path to his home. A guard stood outside, wide-eyed and not yet wearied by the goings on of middle-earth.

"A message, Sir. From Our Lady." Haldir motioned for you to go on inside, and you heard whispers between the fair elves.


Haldir opened the door, the sunlight behind him. Had he not stridden in so quickly, you could have believed the light was emanating from within. Totally unaware of his own distinct beauty, he was taut and brisk.

"You are indeed right; Lady Galadriel has arranged for us to attend the festivities together. She can send someone to attend to you, should you so wish, and has gifted you this." He pulled a glorious silver circlet into your eyeline, you were so raptured with the Marchwarden, you hadn't even noticed this work of art. It was an intricate silver design, with rolling waves, that dipped in the middle. Hanging from the dip was the most beautiful aquamarine stone. One you knew as ancient; one you knew of a quality that could only be mined by dwarves.

You gasped, "That is beautiful. I must ensure to pass on my thanks. I shall not need assistance, but I shall need a bath. Where can I.....?" you trailed off. Unbeknownst to you, Marchwardens had their own private baths attached to the back of their Talans. You were ever so grateful that you didn't have to travel and become once again, besieged by questioning eyes and whispers. Haldir showed you to the bath, which was carven stone, and reassuringly familiar. They looked the same as the baths when you would bathe here as a young elleth. He explained he must meet with Lord and Lady Celeborn and Galadriel and left you to bathe in peace.

You relished the feeling of the warm water soothing your aching muscles. It felt so good to clean the wilderness from your skin, and you inhaled deeply the rose oil from your bath. Perhaps you mused, youhad been sent back just to feel how good a warm bath upon your skin felt. You must have taken longer than you anticipated in the bath, as when you exited, you walked into the main living area with nothing but the blue bordered linen towel cladding your modesty and your eyes met with Haldir's.

You both jumped with mumbled apologies, and many shared blushes, you entered what you guessed was his sleeping area. There neatly laid out was the white gown from the saddle bags, provided by the Lady Galdriel, herself. You slipped on your underdress as you looked around the Marchwarden's room. You were not surprised that it was meticulously tidy, with the sheets of the bed folded taught under the mattress. You were surprised to find a glass vase of flowers upon the table. Some were flowers you remembered from his sketchbook. Finally, you looked to the small golden double frame next to his bed. A beautiful elleth and ellon. The ellon had Haldir's hair and face shape. The elleth shared his eyes and dark lashes. They must be his parents, you guessed, and stepped into your gown. You turned, looking for a mirror, as you heard the lightest of knocks of the door.

"Come in." Haldir entered, head down. "It's quite alright, Marchwarden, I am decent" you laughed. He lifted his azure eyes to meet yours, and you could have sworn you heard him gasp.

"You look truly beautiful, Gaeariel." You smiled a thank you, as he whispered, more to himself than you "like starlight itself."

"You do not appear to possess a mirror." You said flatly. "I need to fix my hair for the circlet." Haldir apologised, and offered instead to do you hair. This was highly unusual. Elves hair, as their looks are sacred to them. However, seeing little other option, you agreed.

He smiled as he firstly ran his fingers through your hair. To him your hair was beautiful like the sea, and soft like fresh butter. It truly felt a gift from Eru to touch. He expertly and deftly parted your hair in the middle and created and intricate design of plaits using the front section of your hair to mimic the design of your circlet. The rest of your hair was down and formed waves which seemed to dance as you moved. He then moved to place the circlet on your head, and stood back. Pleased with his work, even if he did say so himself.

He stood infront of the door, and explained his brothers were in the room adjacent. They would keep you company as he got himself ready. You nodded and let him lead the way.

There in the room, were two ellons, dressed in pale blue. The same white, blond hair as their elder brother, but both more lithe and tall.

"Rumil and Orophin, at your service, Hiril vuin" they said in unison, bowing deeply with their hand to their hearts. Orophin elbowed Rumil in the ribs as they noticed how Haldir looked at you. Suddenly aware, Haldir cleared his throat and announced he would not be long getting ready.

At this Rumil and Orophin pounced either side of you, with laughter and questions. Yes, you really were Gaeariel, yes, they could touch your hair, yes you would come and drink with them after the meal. A flurry of energy, you could not help but enjoy their company and feel revitalised. You challenged them to a drinking competition, once formality was out the way. They eagerly agreed.

"I do not know if Anna will thank you for partaking in such a competition, Orophin." Haldir spoke.

Your heart skipped a beat, as your eyes raked over him. Dressed in white, to match your dress, he looked positively borne of stars. The white silken tunic clung to his broad shoulders, his hair sat freely, cascading behind him. Your lips parted in awe, as your mind wandered to your previous kiss.

"I think she would understand, dear brother" Rumil's laughter crashed you back down to reality.

Itwas time to leave for the feast. The sun was still shining strong as you leftthe Talan with the three brothers in tow. 

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