Chapter 19 - The Petition

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You and Haldir had been on patrol nonstop for weeks, sleeping and eating on flets and patrol sites, you were both sore and exhausted. Now that order had been restored once again to Caras Galadhon and no sightings of Orcs had been reported for three days, it was time to head home for an equally deserved and required break. Another day and you both would be of no use to anyone.

You finally reached the Talan of the Marchwarden, and you stepped inside. You both exhaled long breaths of exhaustion as you began to remove your capes. A knock at the door came, and you looked at each other confused. You walked to open the door, and there was a young ellon, no more than 25 you surmised, holding a tray of hot food. "A gift from Lady Galadriel." He stepped in and rested the tray on the table in the middle of the room. He looked up at Haldir in total awe, and was enrapt. A smile played on Haldir's lips as he looked from the young ellon, to you. "Thank you, young one. Your service is most appreciated." And he bowed slightly. The Little ellon went red from head to toe and gave a blustered thank you and explanation that he wished to join the Galadhrim when he was old enough. He practically floated with elation when he left the Talan.

"I think you made his century." You laughed, and Haldir joined you. It was wonderful to hear his laugh again and see the worries leave his face. You both removed your weapons and quivers, and sat down to eat.

"Valar, this is the stew Galadriel used to make for Celebrian and me!" you exclaimed. Haldir looked at you doubtfully, "Lady Galadriel cooked?" he scoffed.

"I swear to Eru, this is her stew! She would always make it after we had been ill, or after heartbreak. Sometimes just to cheer us up. One time she made it after Celebrian and I went on our first adventure alone, and we were lost for 2 weeks until Gil-Galad and his men found us and returned us! As you can imagine, we were very hungry." You laughed.

"We have never known our Lady to cook, although I hasten to add I am not familiar with the ways of the central kitchen," he said, "however, I am more concerned you were lost for 2 weeks! I shall never take your direction again!" The night was filled with such mirth, it was wonderful to be home again for you both.

Stomachs full and sides aching from laughter, you both entered the bath together. Haldir rubbed your back and shoulder muscles and you returned the favour. You carefully undid the braids in his hair, and rubbed the tension from his scalp. You adored his hair, it was as soft as silk and always smelled fresh. Even on the day of the Orcs at the river, hair caked in mud, sweat and orc blood, you marvelled that it still somehow smelled fresh. As his hair splayed out behind him, his eyes closed, you adored the contrast between light hair and dark features. You adored the threat that dark beard growth may erupt from his princely face. Elves as a rule did not grow facial hair, but there was nothing you did not worship of him.

It was now Haldir's turn undo your hair. His large masculine hands made light work of the many braids. Your blue hair never failed to amaze him. It was probably the first thing he fell in love with. Hair is such an important part of elvish culture, to have something as rare as diamond in his hands made him sometimes question his worthiness of you. But when he saw you look at him, those questions always melted away. His life had been turned upside down since your arrival, and he would not change a thing. As the water cooled, you agreed it was time to go to bed.

You stepped out first, hair cascading down your back, the wet hair clinging to your wet skin. You turned slightly and looked over your shoulder at him, the scarlet of your lips peeking above your shoulder, your eyes cast down to him, "I love you." Your voice floated to him. He decided in that moment he was going to ask Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel for permission to exchange vows and bond forever with you. Although you were both of age, and need not petition houses for betrothal, he felt it was only proper since your connection to the Lord and Lady of light.

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