Chapter 11 - Dancing Souls

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After singing songs of merriment, to many cheers and ovations, you finally fled the stage. Elrond fast behind you, reaching for you. You spun and faced him.

"Never unleash that upon me again, Elrond!" You cried.

"When will you understand, Gaeariel? We are two halves of a whole! I spent forever regretting and forever mourning you. Now you are back, we must unite!" he implored.

"Elrond, if that is effect of the ring on me, what does it do to you? You have seen darkness is coming, your fëa spoke to mine. You are needed elsewhere."

He, defeated, nodded and left.

Your eyes searched for the Marchwarden, but he was nowhere to be seen. His brothers were still at the table, so you headed towards them. They welcomed you with open arms, a little tipsy.

"Gaeariel, what a show! That will be spoken of for generations to come! Elo! And to think our brother missed it! Where is dear Haldir? Probably away checking the outposts. We wanted to get him drunk for the first time in 300 years!"

You feigned laughter.

"And you and Lord Elrond, is there something we should know?" Rumil asked. Orophin elbowed him in the side.

"Eru, no. It is all but a performance, dear brothers! Now, I must find Dandreal!" You spoke.

"But of course, my lady. But do remember your drinking challenge, when you come back! You cannot leave us to drink this barrel alone!" Rumil laughed.

You left to find Dandreal, and he found you before you found him.

"My dear lady. Is it the Marchwarden you seek?" He asked knowingly. Your eyes widened. He continued, "He left during your performance with Lord Elrond. I would venture to say quite upset, mellon-nin."

Your eyes filled with water, and your old friend softened his resolve. He pointed to a small gate, and said "He left that way. Make haste and you may find him."

He pushed you to the gate and you ran. It was a small lane, lined by hedges. You ran, white gown flowing behind you. You ran until you came to the end of the lane, which opened onto a large veranda, overlooking Caras Galadhon. The moonlight gilded the stone in silver. There was a figure standing, leaning on the stone enclosing the veranda.

"Haldir," you started.

He spun, "I knew not of your many and deep relationships with others Hiril vuin. It seems there is much I thought only we shared, that you give freely." Venom left his lips.

"What makes you think it was freely given, Marchwarden? What makes you think I would want to, with Elrond of all elves?" You walked to him, "Remember I was here before, and if did you not consider that if I shared my bed with Elrond, that he would never have married Celebrian?" Tears freely fell. "And yet you insinuate, I give myself freely to all that ask, is that really how little you think of me, after the time we have spent together?" you wept.

"I am a warrior, Haldir. Do not think I weep easily over matters of the heart." You could have sworn you felt your heart snap in two as you turned and walked away.

You made your way in the direction of the lane, to at least make good on your bet with the brothers. At least you now how reason to drink.

You slowly meandered down the lane, trying to gain your composure before rejoining the festivities. Your resolve hardened, your walls unbreachable, you made for the entry gate. When a hand grabbed your arm and spun you. With force, you were pulled, face to face, body to body to the Marchwarden.

His eyes, watery, delved into yours, searching. He backed you into the hedge and crashed his lips into yours, hearts and lips colliding. Lightning leapt across your bodies, eliciting irregular heartbeats and heavy breaths.

Pulling away Haldir whispered, "Please." He lay his forehead against yours, "Please forgive me." You shushed him, by placing your fingers on his lips.

"Passion need not be forgiven." You spoke as your lips now met his, as you pulled him close, his hands on your neck and your hands finding purchase in his long, golden hair. This time, tongues explored the hollows of the others mouth, tasting the sweet poison that is love.

You both, absorbed in affection, did see the gate beside you open. Dandreal, the sneaky sprite knew what was coming. He stepped to the side, allowing everyone to see in the lane and loudly exclaimed "OH, HARK!"

Everyone turned to look, and saw just in time, Haldir's and your fëar dancing above your bodies, as if glitter upon the sky. Yours blue, and his orange. They intertwined in a helix dancing and darting above you both. The signal of bonding, true love, never to be broken. Soulmates. You parted with the Marchwarden, gripping his strong arms as you both watched in awe as your fëa danced high above you to the heavens, signalling to all that a true love match, a rare thing was made. So bright the world of men saw this union, and mistook it for a shooting star. Many wishes were made upon it, that night.

In typical timing, Mithrandir sent up fireworks that danced and celebrated with your fëa. Elves celebrated and sang, as such a union was rarely seen, even the normally sour Elvenking looked genuinely joyous. 

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