Chapter 17 - Spying

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While Haldir was on patrol around the borders of Caras Galadhon, you were instructed by Celeborn to keep the fellowship company, which was a polite way of instructing you to spy on them. It felt rather wrong, but you agreed nonetheless, knowing you sworn your allegiance to Lorien before your trip to the halls of Mandos. Before you were dismissed, Galadriel asked you to have tea with her. She brought you to a small, quaint room to the side of the Talan. There were carved screens, which allowed the sunlight flow freely, and there was the sweet scent of clematis on the air.

"I fear I have not welcomed you home as I should have, Mime-iel." Galaldriel handed you some tea after pouring some honey into it. You smiled as she asked, "You still take it the same way?"

"I do." You chuckled. "And as for the welcome, you have welcomed me more than enough. Your time is precious and with the rise of Sauron, I am humbled by the comfort offered by you and all subjects in Lorien." You bowed your head.

"I am glad to hear it. Now, I am aware your physical scars have healed from what transpired with the Easterlings, but has your mind?" she looked intently, her eyes searching your soul for any chinks in your armour. She could easily enter you mind, as she does others, but her love for you would never allow her in this circumstance.

"I feel more than able to fight again, if that's what you are referring to." You answered honestly, but still dropped your gaze.

"Not quite," her eyes twinkled in amusement, but there was no clarification, "but it is good news to hear you feel capable. Soon the Uruk-hai will attempt to breach our borders, your skills will be required."

"Of course." You were actually rather excited to get back do doing what you did best, hopefully you would sleep better with the exertion of fighting. Combat for elves, although preferably avoided entirely, was not terrifying as it was for men. Generally, it was merely seen as a means to an end, since the souls of Elves were immortal. The worst part of being slain, was waiting in Valinor for your loved ones to set sail. Which could be thousands of years.

As if reading your thoughts on Valinor, Galadriel asked of your time there. "Tell me, did you meet with Celebrian there?"

You smiled as you fondly remembered your friend. She was more like a sister. "Yes, we did. We lived rather close." You reached for Galadriel's hand, "She has much recovered. The torture did not affect her fëa. She was happy."

Galadriel finally breathed out, not realising she was holding her breath as you spoke. "This gladdens me."

You knew more, but were unsure how to proceed. What is more, you did not particularly want embroiled in the affairs of Elrond. However, you could never withhold information from Galadriel, since she was the closest thing you had to a mother when all other Teleri set sail. You cleared you throat, and took a sip of tea, trying to find the words.

"What is it that you feel difficulty sharing with me?" her voice tinged with sadness.

"It is not you that I worry sharing this with, Palantiriel (prophetess)." You investigated your tea.

Galadriel did not need powers of foresight to guess what was about to leave your mouth.

"It is Elrond. Celebrian has found another in Valinor. She told me that before she left the world, she released Elrond from their vows, and told him not to wait for her. She told me there was love between them, but not a match of fëar, and she wanted her chance to find that in Valinor." You shifted uncomfortably in your seat. Galadriel silently nodded, understanding your previous reluctance.

"Elrond has never uttered such truths to me, and I saw what happened during the performance at the feast of Mëlme. Other who do not posses a ring of power would have missed it, but I saw your discomfort immediately. That is why I told him the ring-bearer needed his healing powers in Imladris immediately." Her face flashed with distaste at the actions of Elrond. "For now, we shall keep this between us."

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