Chapter 13 - Darkness After Light your voice soothed him.

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Saruman the white, stood next to an orc, asking "Do you know the origin of this Uruk-hai?"

The orc in question shook his head.

"The blood of the water-witch dropped in the crossbreed of men, orc and goblin." He smiled, "the perfect combination." As the Uruk-hai emerged from its slimy cocoon, it ripped off and cannibalised the head of the nearest unsuspecting orc, as if to prove Saruman's point. He looked to the storm brewing overhead, which made way to Lothlorien.


"Walk with me." Instructed Mithrandir.

You and Haldir silently obeyed. "We know Saruman has betrayed us. I believe that it was he, who the Easterlings intended to deliver you to, Gaeariel. I think he believes he can attain greater power through your life force, or perhaps use it for other ill-gotten gains. No matter the true reason, we can agree that the fate of middle earth hangs in the balance."

You walked, considering your future. I was brought back for war. You looked at Haldir, who's face seemed to read the same. You finally arrived at a fine entry way, carven wood and stone, as grey as the heavens above. Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn stepped forward.

"Mithrandir, pray tell why we have congregated. What troubles you?" Spoke Galadriel, as she and Celeborn gently held one another's hand.

"I cannot say for certain, nor can I believe I utter these words: I believe a great evil is at work, and has been at work under our noses all time and we have been blinded. Sauron has risen. I have knowledge of a halfling, who is in possession of the one ring." He spoke in hushed whispers.

You, Haldir, and the Lord and Lady all exchanged troubled glances.

"He has left his lands and is on his way to Imladris. There we shall have a meeting of the council to decide the fate of the ring." Mithrandir continued.

You hoped this was the true reason that Lord Elrond left the feast of Mëlme so unceremoniously.

"Mithrandir, the power of the elves is not enough to conceal that ring." you warned.

Lord Celeborn spoke to Haldir, "We must ensure all borders to this realm are protected. Start immediately proceedings to move as many as possible within the walls of Caras Galadhon."

"Yes, my Lord." Haldir nodded and left.

"Now, I think we must try to understand what role Gaeariel plays in this. It is highly unusual time and circumstance we are in." Mithrandir mused. "Do you know anything?"

"I can only assume I have been brought forth to battle. That is where my skills lie, is it not? Unless you have seen differently, Palantiriel?" You enquired.

"I was blessed with only the vision of your return and arrival, dear Gaeariel. You were lead here, and we can only assume it is here you are meant to be, until we see or know differently. Perhaps you are here to support the Marchwarden spiritually and practically, sellig." She softly smiled. "Elrond will send word of the outcome of the council."

"Indeed, my lady. Now, if you will excuse me, I must make haste to Rivendell." Said Mithrandir.

You excused yourself, and the left the grey pilgrim to say his goodbyes to the Lord and Lady.

I cannot believe I have been brought back to a world where Sauron walks again.

You shuddered and made your way back to Haldir's Talan. It was after dark before he returned, looking dishevelled and tired. Bags weighed heavy under his normally youthful eyes.

He looked weary, and his normally unwavering posture faltered. He sat down, hunched and out his heads in his hands.

"We are not prepared for the evil that this way comes. There are orcs that have been scouting our borders that can travel easily by daylight and see by night. Rumoured to have been bred by Saruman himself. We have also received word the halfing ring-bearer has arrived in Imladris with a mortal wound. Lord Elrond and his healers are trying to heal him, as we speak. And there are those who do not welcome the move to Caras Galadhon. Some are going to liaise with those of Imladris who are going to set sail. Our numbers grow ever fewer." He sat back and huffed the air from his chest.

You walked over to him and sat yourself on his lap, which he welcomed with a smile. His hands rubbed the side of your thighs as you leaned into an embrace. "I am glad you are home meleth-nin. Now since you have so looked after the people of Lorien, let me now look after you." You placed an innocent kiss upon his lips, and stood to run him a bath.

In this bath you placed valerian root, chamomile and lavender oil, and chanted a very old spell in your native Quenya. You were not sure it even really worked, but it was something your mother would do when you were young, so you would bless the bath anyhow.

"Lótesse mime devine mel hir lóre ar senda ter- sí herbs ar mel" (Let my divine love find sleep and peace through these herbs and love)

Haldir came in behind you, encapsulated you in his arms from behind and kissed where your neck met your shoulders. "For me?"

You spun round, "Of course. Now let me help you cleanse today's woes." You first removed his belt sheath, and quiver. You gently placed them down, as you then unpinned his grey cloak that adorned his shoulders. Underneath you removed his black tunic which which looped over his fingers. You kissed each hand as you did so. You stood and looked into his eyes, as blue as the sea and shining with divine energy. How could you not love this man? As stoic as the rocky mountains but undeniably honest and true were his eyes. Undeniably honest and true he was to you. He removed his trousers and boots and stepped into the bath. You could see the tension and worries leave his body as a quiet moan escaped his lips as he closed his eyes, his blond hair splaying as it touched the water at his shoulders.

"Please sing for me, my love." He implored. You started to sing, and he shook his head, "No, you must come into the water with me." And he held out his hands. The stone bath could easily fit six but you doubted it ever saw more than one, even before Haldir lived here. You accepted by removing your clothes and stepping into the bath. There, he turned you pulled you in so that your back could feel his chest rise and fall with every breath. "How can I relax when I am not holding the sun to my dark night sky?" he breathed into your neck. You began to sing as he held you, the iron vice grip loosening as the heat of the water combined with your voice soothed him. 

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