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✨ Zale's POV ✨

County's map was stretched out in front of me on the desk, the territory of Alaska encircled in red. One day it's going to be mine. And I will do anything to ensure that.

"Do you have any plan?"

I lifted my eyes to glance at Maverick, his black hair looked messy as he sat opposite to me, leaned back in the chair his amber coloured eyes looking at me instensely as if he will be able to read my mind.

I shift my attention to the map again, my palms resting against the edge of the desk, my mind trying to come up with a plan.

"Not yet." I gave a short reply.

He raised the glass in his hand upto his mouth finishing the remainder of the scotch. "I understand your reason for wanting Alaska but you need to come up with something soon before this obsession drives you mad, okay?"

Raising a amused brow at him, I drawled. "Are you concerned, brother?"

He rolled his eyes and kept the empty glass back on the desk. "You hardly sleep these days, you work like a maniac, you need to come up with a plan soon and finish this obsession by taking over Alaska." And then his gestures towards the floor to ceiling glass windows overlooking my club where a crowd was dancing like idiots on the dance floor. "And maybe, enjoy yourself."

"By enjoying you mean become drunk and do stupid things? No, thanks."

"You know what I mean." He got up and buttoned his suit jacket. "Take care of yourself, Zale. I don't wanna lose you too like mom and dad."

"You are growing soft, don't you think? Focus on the work instead, Maverick."

He walked towards the door. "There's nothing wrong in caring for my brother." And he was out of there before I could reply.

I ran my fingers through my hair and took a seat, once again focusing my attention on the map. Alaska was Enver Iyan's territory. Both of ours headquarters might be in New York City but we were rivals currently surving on a peace treaty and here I was planning to break it. And breaking it means only one thing: war.

But it would be too fun. And if I could get to kill Enver with my own hands, that would be the best moment of my life.

Picking up my glass of scotch, I walked to the glass walls and looked down at the club, my eyes sweeping around looking for something interesting until they landed on someone.

Her caramel blond hair flying in every direction as she danced and when he lifted her head, her light blue eyes flashed under the different lightings in the club. Her perfect face broke out in a smile when the other woman said something to her.

My eyes narrowed at her. Jezebel Iyan. The precious mafia princess. Does she has no idea this club belongs to me? She walked straight into danger without any thoughts.

My lips twisted up into a smirk as a perfect plan started to formulate in my mind.


As the club was about to be closed, I adjusted my black suit jacket and picking up my black mask, I wore it over my face. It keeps me away from unnecessary attention and tonight I'm definitely not in the mood for it.

My mansion wasn't far away, hence I leisurely walked towards it, my hands stuffed inside my pockets when I heard some loud voices coming from an alley to my right. Nothing new.

But I halted when I recognised one of the voices. A female one. Jezebel fucking Iyan.

"You really don't wanna mess with me unless one of you want to die tonight." She warned in a nonchalant way which only made the others laugh.

So, I decided to take a look. Around six men surrounded her as she stood in the middle, her hands folded over her chest, looking bored with everything.

"This little girl thinks she can kill us..." One of the man spoke making others chuckle.

Now, this will be quite fun to watch. I lurked in the shadows watching everything.

She might be a mafia princess but she didn't lack skills, her brother and her were equally trained, trained to kill whenever necessary. With a gun, with a knife and even with their bare hands. And I don't doubt her abilities cause I once saw her fight. And damn, she fights well. But tonight, she was drunk, not too much but enough to make her legs tremble and her body sway lightly.

"Come on, just one night. You will enjoy it." The other man took a step closer.

I scoffed mentally at his audacity.

"And I said no. So, all of you get going before this gets messy."

In our world, despite all the things we do, no matter how bad, touching a women or men inappropriately without their consent is the top most crime and the only way it is dealt with is death.

And I found myself reaching for my gun tucked in the holster wrapped around my waist.

What the fuck am I doing?! She is no damsel in distress, she can protect herself well enough.

Just as I was about to move on, I heard a cracking sound and I couldn't help but turn around and watch as she broke one of the men's nose.

Fucking deserved that.

He howled in pain, clutching his nose and that's when the others started to attack too.

It was fun to watch, her beating them up but still she was drunk and they were too many. She was not in her right senses. When one of them started to walk towards her from behind in order to attack, my feet started to move to him on their own.

And before he could hit her, I grabbed his collar and pulled him back. "The lady said no. Take a fucking hint." And I punched him hard on his jaw making him fall down.

That made her turn around and glance at me, her cheeks flushed, sweat coating her forehead.

She didn't pay much attention to me as she grabbed the other guy smashed his head with the other one.

And this continued until all the them laid on the ground, unconscious. Sighing, she dusted her hand, not a single scratch on her.

"Fucking assholes." She muttered kicking one of them before turning to me.

Her expression softened a little bit. "Thank you for your help."

Thank you? I felt like laughing, she didn't know who I exactly was because of my mask, if she knew she wouldn't be thanking me instead maybe trying to beat me up too.

"It's was my pleasure." I spoke in a deep voice before turning around and leaving from there.

Soon, Jezebel Iyan, soon. Your father would hand over his territory willingly the moment he would get to know that I captured you.


Prologue completion on: 28/5/22
Published on: 24/6/22

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