Chapter 2 | Masquerade Ball

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"Keep a weapon with you all the time. Just because we are going to a ball doesn't mean we can lower our guards, someone can use it to their advantage. Try not to engage in long conversations with anyone we don't get along with; keep it short and to the point and don't try to antagonise them. We don't want any unnecessary problem."

It's not our first time going to a huge event and it's not the first time dad gave us so many instructions. We are not stupid, we know what to do when we go out in public. We try not to do things that might harm innocent people. We only deal with those who mess up with us, not everyone. We were not that cruel.

"Jezebel." Dad addressed me, leaning against his desk in his study. "What weapon are you carrying?"

I shrugged nonchalantly. "Dagger as always. I prefer it over guns."

"Yeah, so that you can get shot by the time you reach close enough to stab them." Dane rolled his eyes and loading his gun tucked it in the holster around his waist.

"Please, at least it doesn't run out of bullets when you need it the most." I mocked.

Nikolas chuckled at that, standing at the corner of the room making Dane scowl at him. "You are finding this funny, huh? Wait till I am the boss, I will make you pay."

Nikolas raised his hands in surrender even though amusement was etched over his face.

"Can I go get ready now? I don't wanna be late." I asked dad and he nodded. "You may."

"Thank God." I muttered and moved out of his study and to my room to get ready. I was dying to wear the ball gown I purchased a few days back.


An hour later, I was set to go as I stood infront of the full length mirror in my bedroom and gently twirled around in my gown. It was perfect.

The only thing missing was the silver mask lying on my bed which I picked it up and wore.

Checking myself once again in the mirror, I finally walked out of my room and down the stairs where Nikolas was waiting for me

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Checking myself once again in the mirror, I finally walked out of my room and down the stairs where Nikolas was waiting for me.

Dad and Dane left already, Dane even asked the woman he says to have fallen in love with to be his date and she agreed. I am yet to meet her.

As I walked down the stairs, Nikolas's eyes raked over me in appreciation. Just as I reached near him, he grabbed my waist pulling me closer. "My, my, my, you look breathtaking." And he pecked my lips careful not to mess my lipstick.

"Thank you. You look dashing yourself." I told him, running a finger down the side of his face, his white black tuxedo and black bow tie looking perfect as always.

He removed his hand from my waist and intertwined his fingers with mine leading me out the door where a limousine was waiting for us and opened the door for me, gesturing me to get inside.

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