🌺 Epilogue 🌺

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✨ Zale's POV ✨


One of his men lead me inside the house and to his study where he currently was and I knocked on the door and heard him say, "Come in."

Taking a deep breath, I pushed opened the door and stepped in as he sat behind his desk and his eyes flickered to me in surprise. "Zale." He acknowledged my presence.

"Enver." And I walked closer to the desk and took a seat opposite to him.

He glanced at the door and back at me, pausing his work and leaning back. "Where's Jezebel? I thought she was with you."

"She was. Then she went shopping with Maverick and Alaric."

He frowned subtly. "So, what brings you here?"

"I want to propose her for marriage."

Now he frowned deeply. "Marriage?"

"Yeah, marriage. When two people love each other and want to commit forever, they marry each other and--"

His lips pursed and he gave me a blank look. "I know what marriage is, what I meant to say is that you both started dating just two weeks ago and you want to marry already?"

"She wanted to marry two weeks ago only. I was the one who told her to wait. Now, what do you say?"

"No." He stated surprising me. "You can't marry her."

"No? Are you insane?" I gritted my teeth. "Why did you approve of our relationship then? Did you really think I was going to date her for sometime and then dump her? Or did you hope that she will realise after some time that I was playing her all along and then leave me?"

"That's not what I--"

I cut him off by leaning forward and lowering my voice and staring into his eyes. "Let me be very honest, Enver. I seriously don't give a fuck whether you give me the permission to marry her or not however I think Jezebel would love to have her father and brother present at her wedding."

I leaned back and gave him a tight smile. "So, think about it, okay? I am going to propose her anyway." And I got up and adjusted my suit jacket and walked away from there.

I know he still doesn't like me and it's mutual. We once had a dinner a week ago here and it was the fucking most awkward dinner of my life.

Getting back Alaska was one of the best moments of my life, it was what I wanted for years and now I finally had it. Initially I wanted to go back to Alaska and start living in our old home again but the moment I stepped in there, all the horrible memories came rushing back so, I came back. I can't live there because now this place feels like home to me.

So, instead I decided to convert that house into a hotel.

Sitting inside my car, I pulled out the small jwellery box and flipped opened its lid revealing a simple yet a beautiful diamond ring.

Sitting inside my car, I pulled out the small jwellery box and flipped opened its lid revealing a simple yet a beautiful diamond ring

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