Chapter 11 | Daddy Issues

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I had to wake up at dawn cause the baby was crying and his father slept like a dead person right beside him not giving a shit.

So, I woke up and changed his diaper and made some milk for him and fed him and he finally fell asleep again.

Sighing in relief, I once again curled up on the couch and tried falling asleep. I am going to charge Zale for babysitting his son.

With that thought in my mind, I soon drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up, I realised I wasn't on the couch anymore where I slept, instead I was on the bed where Zale was sleeping except he wasn't there. And the kid slept beside me.

Did he pick me up and placed me here? Nevermind.

I got up and stretched my arms and legs and went inside the bathroom to freshen up and then checked on the baby.

I sometimes envy them...all they have to do is sleep peacefully without any worries. Sleep, eat, play and repeat.

I checked the door and to my surprise it was left unlocked, so, I picked up the baby in my arms and walked out deciding to demand Zale to either hire a babysitter or start paying me.

But I stopped on the top of the staircase when I saw Maverick and him sitting beside each other on the couch, Maverick inspected his wound which I stitched last night and then asked, "So you have got a kid now?" He didn't look very happy about it.

"Yes." Zale replied. "That's what I am telling you for the past ten minutes."

"And what I am trying to figure out is how can you be so stupid to not use any protection."

Zale pursed his lips and shot him a glare. "I did use a protection."

"You could have used a good quality one then!"

"What will you get by giving me sex education now? It's not going to change that I have a fucking kid now!"

I swear if he does not take responsibility for his son and treat him right, I am killing him.

"Then just give him away", Maverick said.

Zale sighed and leaned back on the couch and ran his hand down his face. "No."

"Why? Just give him away. The Japanese want him, give him to them or give him to an orphanage or something."

He did not. I swear I will kill him.

"The Japanese wants to kill him." Zale glared at him.

"So...? It's not like you care for him or something..." Maverick said nonchalantly.

Zale just looked away refusing to meet his eyes.

That made Maverick frown. "Do you love him?"

Zale's jaw clenched and he stared ahead at nothing in particular. "No."

"Then why are you keeping him?"

"Because he is my kid."

"Wow." Maverick spoke sarcastically. "That explains a lot."

Now Zale's head snapped to him and he gritted his teeth. "Exactly, that explains everything. He is my kid and I am not giving him up. He will stay with me." He stated firmly.

Maverick stared at him for a few seconds and his lips pressed into a thin line. "You are only keeping him because of what happened with you. You don't love him. You just don't want him to go through what happened to you."

What? What did Zale go through? As far as I know he had a nice childhood, his parents owned the mafia, were rich and they were loving.


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