Chapter 6 | Escape

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I was hungry but I was also locked so there was no way I could march downstairs and demand them for food.

It's not like I am dying for it or something. I just need energy if I want to escape from here.

I wonder what dad and Dane are doing...are they searching for me? I bet dad wants to kill me at this moment and I can't blame him.

My mind drifted off to Nikolas and I felt like crying again. Zale said he didn't kill him, I don't believe him but if what he is saying is true, then who killed Nikolas? And why?

No. I am sure he only killed him but why lie? It's not like he is trying to portray himself as a good man infront of me.

I paced back and forth in the room, thinking of some ways to escape this place or to find some weapon to use against them. I know how to fight without any weapon too but it won't end well, not enough for me to escape.

Suddenly I heard the door being unlocked and I stood in an attacking position in case they try something. The door opened and Maverick walked in with a plate of food in his hand looking like he would be anywhere but here.

He held the plate in front of me, eggs and bacon. And I rolled my eyes. "So, you are being a servant to your brother now? Tell him I won't eat anything until he comes here and give it to me himself."

Okay, now I am being a brat. I was being offered food but I declined it but at the same time I know they won't deprive me of food and water cause they want me alive. If I die or something, their chance of getting Alaska diminishes not that they have any chance to begin with.

Maverick didn't say anything just turned around and left the room taking away the food.

And as expected, a minute later the door to the room was slammed opened and an angry looking Zale barged in, the plate in his hand.

"The fuck is wrong with you?" He demanded.

"I don't know. You fucking kidnapped me!"

"Exactly! You don't get to order me around!"

My lips twitched. "Then why did you come here with food doing exactly what I ordered you to do?"

If looks could kill, I would have been dead. It took everything in him to not kill me on the spot.

He stalked to the bed and placed the plate down on the nightstand and walked out of the door, slamming it shut.

I grinned feeling satisfied after irritating the hell out of him and I sat down on the bed to eat whatever he brought me.


Once I was done with the food, I once again paced around the room. I walked closer to the door, studying it. If only I had some tools to open the lock. Alas, I have nothing at the moment.

Oh, how I wish I could just grab its handle and it will swing open. With all those thoughts, I grabbed the handle and to my surprise it actually opened when I gave it a little push.

What the hell?!

Hoping no one noticed I closed it gently. It's open?! Then I realised that when he left he was literally fuming with anger and he might have forgot to lock the door cause now I remember that I didn't hear the door get locked.

Okay, so I am done with food and have some energy in me, now all I need to do is be very careful and find my way out of here.

I can't wait till night to leave because as far as I know someone will be coming here till that time and once they notice the unlocked door, they will lock it obviously so I have to leave right now when I have the opportunity.

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