Chapter 10 | Returning The Favour

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True to his words he let me out of the room once again in the morning for breakfast. And then again for lunch at late in the afternoon and I sat opposite to him and ate in silence contemplating whether to ask him about the ice cream or not and for a second I even thought of thanking him but then I stopped myself.

There's no need of talking to him at all or else I will end up ruining my mood.

I was about to finish my lunch when his phone rang and he paused eating and picked up the call, pressing the phone to his ear. "Yes?"

Whatever the other person said made his brows furrowed. "What?"

And then a few seconds later his jaw clenched. "You better be saying the truth."

And after a pause, he hung up the call and placing the phone down, he pinched the middle of his forehead.

What the hell happened?!

And then without finishing his food he got up and marched to the front door and walked out of the house, locking the door.

What the actual fuck? He left the house without locking me up? What if I try to escape?

But above all, what happened that was so urgent for him to leave me like that.

Who cares, I have got an opportunity to roam the house and find some weapons even.

Even though I knew the front door was locked, then too I once tried opening it. Next I searched all the kitchen drawers and found some knives from which I picked two and proceeded to search the whole damn house.

I found a few doors on the ground floor but they all were locked, so I searched the ones upstairs and they were locked too. Wow. This man is smart.

So I went downstairs again and thought of breaking the windows but no those were bullet proof ones...I know because I have the same ones at home. So, no I can't break it or something.

So that means there is nothing that I can use to my advantage beside the knives but they never seemed to hold him off.

I thought I might be able to escape after all this time but no, luck isn't on my side.

But if I can't escape then I am not going to my room either. I am going to enjoy this little freedom I got.

So I walked to the living room, grabbed the remote for the television and settled down on the couch comfortably and switched on the TV. I streamed a movie on Netflix and silently watched it.


By the time the movie finished, it was dusk and yawned loudly and stretched my arms and legs.

He wasn't back yet. Where the hell did he go leaving me like this? He is such a stupid kidnapper. And I am even more stupid for even caring.

Soon, I head a car pulling up in the driveway and I stood up, bracing myself for whatever fury he is going unleash on me when he sees me and I pick up the knife lying on the coffee table infront of me in case he tries to hurt me.

The door was pushed opened and Zale stumbled in, his eyes shut in pain, hair messy, his navy blue shirt clinging to the side of his abdomen and stained with blood. A drop of blood flowing down the side of his forehead, someone else's blood cause he didn't look hurt on his forehead.

But even that didn't shock me as much as the baby crying in his arms did.

What the fuck?! Don't tell me he kidnapped a child?!

The child was crying loudly and he winced and walked in and closed the door, his legs were trembling.

Cautiously, I took a few steps towards him, my eyes on the baby and when Zale saw me coming closer, he thrust the baby forward and I quickly took the child, wrapped in a small blanket in my arms because it looked like he was going to let the child fall down if I didn't.

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