Chapter 24 | Family

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And he turned around to leave as I nodded but Dane being Dane just couldn't shut up. "Don't order her around as if you are her dad."

And Zale halted. Uh-oh. No, this isn't going to end well.

Zale slowly turned around to face him, his eyes twinkling with mischief and his lips twisted into a smirk. "Oh, what a coincidence, she does call me daddy."

Oh God. I don't call him that! And why did he have to say that infront of my dad and brother. My face turned red as a tomato.

And before I could react, Dane did. He pulled up his gun and fired it at him and eyes widened and I pushed Zale out of the way but I wasn't fast enough as the bullet grazed his bicep making him groan and fall down.

"DANE!" Dad bellowed and I rushed to Zale who now clutched his bicep and his eyes were shut firmly as blood oozed out between his fingers. Pain was etched all over his face.

I knelt down next to him and cupped his cheek while I placed the other hand over his bicep. "Hey...hey... shit. Oh God. We need to go to the hospital."

Zale opened his eyes slowly and croaked, "I am okay... it's okay..." And he made an attempt to stand up and I helped him.

"We should go to the hospital." I told him as I started to lead him to the front door.

"It's Maverick. He's nearby."

Nodding, I pulled out my phone and dialled Maverick's number which Zale gave me along with his in case I ever need it.

"Hello?" I heard him speak and in a haste I told him everything and he replied saying he will be there in three minutes.

"I can get a doctor to see you here only..." I offered seeing how much he was bleeding.

"No." He refused immediately. "I am fine. Maverick will treat it."

I looked over my shoulder to dad who stood there looking guilty and Dane was standing beside him with his head hung low and jaw clenched.

Not caring about them, I lead Zale out of the house as we waited for Maverick.

Tears welled up in my eyes. "Zale...are you sure you are okay? I don't think so..."

He removed his hand from his bicep and more tears formed in my eyes on seeing the wound. With his bloodied hand, he gripped my chin gently and made me look at him.

"Hey..." He said softly. "I am okay. It's nothing new."

"I am so sorry. I didn't know he would do that, I really am sorry." Tears fell down on my cheeks.

"No." He groaned. "Don't cry, please. I fucking hate seeing you cry. The first time you cried I felt so guilty." And he leaned down and kissed away my tears as I held his collar with both my hands.

"Shh..." He whispered, kissing my eyes. "I am okay, don't cry, princess."

And I pressed my face to his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist and he wrapped his uninjured arm around shoulder.

He kissed the top of my head and he chuckled hoarsely. " was kinda my mistake too. I shouldn't have said that."

I pulled back and slapped his chest making him chuckle again. "Don't do that ever again. That was embarassing!"

"It was funny." He laughed.

I rolled my eyes as my lips twitched to turn into a smile. So, I grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him instead, my tears all gone by then.

Before he could kiss me back, Maverick's voice forced us apart. "Zale!"

I stepped back as he rushed to his brother and grabbing his arm, examined the wound. "The hell do you keep getting hurt?"

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