Chapter 13 | Care

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Since I have already written half of the last chapter...I am giving one extra update today, plus, I love this chapter.

The sound of crying woke me up and groaning I got up and rubbing my eyes I walked to Alaric's nursery. I checked the time and realised it was already nine in the morning.

I changed his diapers and went into the bathroom to get freshened up myself.

When I walked into the kitchen with Alaric in my arms, I saw Zale present there, cooking something, shirtless with only a pair of gray sweatpants.

Why do boys always cook shirtless? Don't they know it's damn distracting?

His back flexed as he cooked and moved around the kitchen and I walked up to the counter and started to warm up some water while standing beside him as he continued to cook an omelette.

I really regret what I did yesterday, I mean even I don't know what I was doing and why...I just wanted to have some fun, irritate him but I guess it went too far.

Alaric made some weird sounds and I looked down at him and gently flicked his nose. "Yeah, I know you are hungry. Have some patience."

Zale glanced towards his son and then focusing on his omelette, said to me, "Keep him away from the stove."

"Someone seems to finally care." I commented.

His grip around the spatula tightened and he didn't say anything.

I finished making the milk for him at the same time Zale finished making those omelettes. He took those plates and placed them on the table.

How can he be so cold towards him? He hardly even looks at him.

Sighing, I went to him as he was setting the table and I placed the bottle infront of him and said, "Oh, I forgot something upstairs. Feed him for sometime, will you?"

And before he could say something, I forcefully shoved Alaric in his arms and ran upstairs.

Oh, that was close. I didn't forget anything, I just wanted him to hold his son for sometime, maybe that would make him soft for him.

I stayed at the top of the stairs, away from his view and a minute later, I heard Alaric cry.

Aargh, I swear if he made him cry I'll make him cry too then.

But then a few seconds later, he stopped crying and I smiled to myself.

I stayed there for a while before walking back down and found Zale sitting on the chair with Alaric in his arms and he was feeding him, his eyes on him and he looked quite curious despite the fact he was frowning.

I felt surprised to see him holding him perfectly, as if he knew how to handle a baby. Well, Maverick is his younger brother, maybe he held him when he was small. Makes sense.

When he heard me walking towards him, he lifted his head and removed the now empty bottle from Alaric's mouth and clearing his throat handed him back to me immediately.

I couldn't help but grin at his actions, he acts like he doesn't care but he does. It's his son after all. When I, who doesn't have anything to do with him, cares so much about him then he is the father, of course he cares.

He once again fell asleep and I sat down to have breakfast with him in my arms. "I am thinking of taking him away with me when I leave, don't you think? I mean you don't really care about him..."

He paused eating and stared at his plate. "No."


"No one's leaving." He stated finally looking up, shooting me a glare.

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