Chapter 3 | Distracted

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Didn't get the kind of response I expected so no more updates after this.

A pair of soft and familiar lips trailed down my neck, my back against the wall, the strap of my dress hanging loosely around my biceps.

His fingers gently gripping my forearm, rubbing circles over there yet my mind was distracted, I couldn't bring myself to feel the pleasure he always used to give me. Not for a single second.

"Tell your father, I want Alaska. Or else, you, princess, are in danger along with your whole family." His voice echoed in my mind over and over again.

Soon those lips found mine and gently kissed me but when I didn't kiss him back, he paused and lifting his head looked at me in concern. "What's wrong? You are distracted."

"Nothing." I whispered.

"Jezebel, tell me what's wrong." He urged softly. Despite the fact he was third in command to my father, he always treated me so nicely, so sweetly that one could never comprehend that how this man is an assassin. "You are not feeling well...I should stop. Do you wanna go back home?"

"Nikolas...I... it's about Zale." He tensed and I continued speaking. "Earlier at the ball, when he danced with me, he told me he wants Alaska and he warned that if dad doesn't give him that then we are in danger."

"Fucking asshole." He sneered and just like that, Nikolas wasn't my fiancee anymore, he had slipped into his job. His features turning hard. "He can try but he can't take it away. And if he tries attacking then he knows it will be a fucking war."

"I know, I know...but he's not stupid. He knows the consequences of his actions. And he said he is going to harm us...what if he do something to dad or Dane or me or even you! What if he actually hurts us?!"

He gently cupped my cheeks. "Hey, calm down. I am glad you told me instead of keeping it with yourself. We'll discuss this with Enver and Dane tomorrow, okay? Calm down for now, please."

Biting my lips anxiously, I nodded but he was still there in my mind, his dark, intense gaze was etched in my mind, the way he stared right into my soul. The smugness in his tone, actions, as if he was already a step ahead, as if he was sure he was going to win.

It wasn't the first time I saw him but it was the first time that I met him. And damn, that man annoyed the hell out of me, my fingers were itching to bury my dagger in his heart, to watch him bleed and punch the arrogance out of his beautiful face.

"You are thinking about him again." It wasn't a question but a statement.

I sighed. "I'm sorry, Nikolas. I...just...I don't know..."

"It's okay, Jezebel." He assured me.

I needed a distraction and my eyes fell on his plum, luscious lips which warmed my body and grabbing his face, I kissed him hard.


The next morning, I walked into my home, greeting the guards that I went past and started to look for dad. He needed to know. I need to tell him about Zale as soon as possible.

Not finding him in his bedroom or study, I walked to the kitchen but halted on seeing him standing there with Eliza who had her back pressed up against the wall and dad was standing much close to her.

I took a few steps back silently but didn't go away, I just hid there watching them cause I wanted this to work out at any cause.

There wasn't anyone else in the kitchen and Eliza's gaze was lowered and she seemed to be kinda blushing at their close proximity.

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