Chapter 9 | Stockholm Syndrome?

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I know you all want Zale's POV but you aren't getting it until chapter 16. Sorry.


Day nine of being captured and the third day of my period. Worst combination ever.

Thankfully my kidnapper had bought me a lots of clothes a week before along with some pads and tampons for which I was grateful.

After that dungeon drama, I didn't push his buttons anymore and I hardly saw him even. I was being delivered food in my room by some maid of his whom I tried to engage in a conversation but she politely refused to say anything to me and left.

So for the past few days I was being an obedient, little girl who was afraid of her kidnapper which is not true, I am just afraid that he will lock me in the dungeon.

I remembered the video he recorded of me and I wonder how my dad and brother reacted to that. Did dad talk to him after that message? Or did Dad agree to give him Alaska? I hope not.

I am surprisingly okay here...I mean no one is physically torturing me or something except that wound on my forearm...which according to him he didn't do deliberately. Like I care.

I really hope dad don't react recklessly because that's what Zale wants him to do. I am okay, I can handle myself here.

As long as I don't stay locked up here for another day cause I will seriously go insane.

Frustrated, I walked to the window and ripped apart the curtains and gazed out of the window, it was late in the evening and as usual, there were hardly any one outside the house. I mean we have plenty of guards guarding our house 24/7 but this guy doesn't seem to fear anyone.

As I watched outside...a metallic grey Audi R8 pulled up in the driveway and was parked right under my window, the door opened and Zale stepped out in his usual attire. A black pair of jeans, black t shirt and long black jacket that ended just above his knees and his hands were gloved in black leather.

Well...this time it looks a little informal, where was he anyway? I haven't seen him in days.

Aargh, why do I even care? It's a good thing he wasn't here, at least I had some peace.

As he closed the car door and ran his fingers through his hair, he glanced up and his eyes clashed with mine.

He slowly lowered his arm and stuffed it inside his pocket and continued to stare into my eyes and I didn't back down, I returned his stare.

For a second, a corner of his lips tilted up into a smirk as if challenging me to break the eye contact but I wasn't going to, he will be the one to back down first.

But the more I stared into his eyes a funny feeling erupted in my stomach, it felt weird. And for a brief moment my eyes flickered down to his lips.

God, no! What is wrong with me?! And I immediately looked away and taking a step back, drawed the curtains blocking him away from my view.

I seriously can't be looking at his lips! He kidnapped me and even tried to lock me in the dungeon! Oh God, am I becoming the victim of stockholm syndrome?!

No way! Never!

See this is what happens when you stay locked up.

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