Chapter 19 | Heartache

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✨ Zale's POV ✨


I shot the man in the middle of his forehead, drops of blood splattering over my face and shirt. I then shot him in his heart, in his face, all over his body. He thinks he can run a sex trafficking ring.

Someone shoved me back. "Stop it, Zale. He's dead already."

When I didn't stop, I was punched in the jaw by Maverick. "I said fucking stop! What's wrong with you?"

He snatched away my gun and grabbing my hand, he dragged me to his car and made me sit inside.

Sitting in the diver seat, he tossed me a towel as he revved the engine and drove out of there.

I just stared at the towel lying on my lap, not bothering to clean the blood all over my face.

Maverick kept silent for the rest of the ride and reached my house. When we were inside, he made me sit on the couch and disappeared into the kitchen and came back with a wet towel and standing infront of me, started to clean my face.

"Go and take a shower. Calm the fuck down, okay?"

We heard someone climbing down the stairs and looked up to see my maid, carrying a now more than a month old Alaric in her arms.

"Thank you, Tess." Maverick muttered to her as he took Alaric from her in his arms and she left.

And he fixed me with a glare. "And you, get up and take a shower while I make us something."

"I am not hungry." I mumbled coldly.

"You haven't eaten anything since last night so don't fucking say that and get up right now."

Not wanting to hear his annoying voice anymore, I got up and went upstairs to take shower and by the time I came back down, he had set up the table.

"There was some lasagna left so I heated it up." He told me.

I wasn't in a mood to eat anything. I wasn't in a mood to do anything either.

I just went and sat down on the couch again and Maverick was infront of me in a moment with Alaric in one hand and a plate of food in the other.

He gave Alaric to me and I held him in my hands while he sat down beside me and cut a piece of lasagna and held it to my mouth.

"I swear to God if you don't eat it--"

Why the fuck does he have to be so annoying?!

I opened my mouth while glaring at him and he fed me.

"I know what's wrong with you, Zale." He spoke softly as he fed me again. "But she's not coming back, okay? It's been a month, you need to stop being like this and focus on your son. He needs you."

My jaw clenched and I refused to open my mouth so he grabbed my chin and forcefully opened it and fed me.

"And stop being a kid." He scolded, continuing to feed me until the plate was empty.

After he had put the plate away he leaned back on the couch and looked at me with concern. "Please talk to me. You have hardly said anything since the past one month, I sometimes worry that you lost your tongue or something."

I shot him glare making him chuckle for a moment before he became serious again. "Zale. Talk to me."

I didn't have anything to talk about.

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