Chapter 5 | Captive

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(Zale Weylyn's House👆🏼)

My head throbbed along with my body, groaning I rolled over in the bed.

What the hell happened? Did dad find me outside that club last night after the fight? Only that would explain why I was in a comfortable bed.

My eyes fluttered opened and I frowned at the chandelier hanging above me. This is not my home, my room doesn't have a freaking chandelier.

I looked around the room, the creame walls and white and greyish interior

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I looked around the room, the creame walls and white and greyish interior. Did he fucking kidnap me?!

Well, he wasn't going to drop you off at home either.

I quickly got up walked to the windows and ripped open the curtains, the sun shone directly at me. And according to what it looked like, the windows looked over the front of the house, a number of cars parked at a distance.

Aargh! I tried pushing against the windows but they were sealed shut. I need to find a way out but first, I need to freshen up.

I found a door leading to the bathroom and once I looked into the mirror, I gasped cause I wasn't wearing the dress I wore last night, instead I wore a plain black t shirt and a pair of leggings. My holster, my gun, my daggers, everything was gone. What the actual fuck! I swear he is going to die for changing my clothes.

I took some deep breaths to calm myself down and got freshened up and brushed my teeth finding a new brush in the drawer. Kidnapped or not, I won't roam around without brushing my teeth.

Once I was done, I went over to the other door and grabbing its handle tried pushing it open and to my surprise, it was unlocked.

Is this some type of a trick?

No. It wasn't because that fucker knew there's no way I will be able to escape even if I got out of the room cause this house was freaking huge. I just didn't know where to go.

But I am not going to give up. I wandered around, trying to remember each way and soon, I found the stairs leading down.

Fucking finally.

But I stopped the moment I was about to climb down cause I heard some voices coming from downstairs.

Pressing myself against the wall, I glanced down. I could see the living room, huge black couches were placed, floor to ceiling windows and there in the middle sat my kidnapper, shirtless, leaning back against the couch.

 I could see the living room, huge black couches were placed, floor to ceiling windows and there in the middle sat my kidnapper, shirtless, leaning back against the couch

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