Chapter 15 | Drunk

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He closed his eyes. "I...killed his parents...when he was ten, right infront of his eyes and took away Alaska. He wasn't old enough to fight me in any way."

My heart dropped. "You killed his parents right infront of him? Right infront of a child?! No wonder he hates you."

"I know... it's the worst decision I ever made in my life, I regret it till now."

Oh God. "Did mom know how you got Alaska?"

His jaw clenched. "No."

"Do you think she would have liked your method? Do you think she would have agreed to kill a child's parents just because you wanted to impress her?"

", Jezebel."

"Dad." I said in a firm tone. "Give Alaska back to him."

Dad's voice turned low and scary. "What the hell do you mean by that?"

"You know what I mean. What you did was wrong, Zale has the right to ask Alaska back from you. You owe him that."

"No." He stated firmly.

"Dad, you know it was wrong, if not for me then do it for mom. Give him his territory back, please. Give him Alaska and I will come back immediately."

Dad's lips pressed into a thin line. "Are you choosing him over us? Over your family? What did he do to you?" His eyes went over my shoulder to him and he took a challenging step forward but I placed my palm on his chest stopping him.

"No. He didn't do anything. You have to listen to me, dad. Think about it. I won't come back if you don't give him Alaska."

"And don't think of hurting him." I gave one last warning before I took a step back and turning around, I walked away.

I need some time to think. What's going on? Why didn't dad ever tell me that Alaska always belonged to him only? And Zale...he could have told me about it himself.

And did I just chose to stay with him? Did I just chose him over my family?

I asked a waiter about the washroom and he pointed to its direction and thanking him, I headed towards it.

Once inside the washroom, which was thankfully empty, I leaned forward against the counter and took deep breaths to calm myself.

My dad killed his parents. That too infront of him. When he was just ten.

I could feel a headache building and I pinched my forehead. I can't imagine what all he must have went through.

The door to the washroom opened and I straightened up and was surprised to see Zale enter and he locked the door.

"What happened back there?" He asked, in a gentle tone, folding his arms across his chest.

Sighing, I looked forward into the mirror and shook my head. "Nothing. I just needed some time alone. Don't worry, I am not running away."

He looked irritated on hearing that and walked closer to me and stood behind me, his front pressing up against my back, and he rested his hands on the counter, on either side of me, caging me in.

We both stared at each other in the mirror, him standing behind me, inches taller than me.

He lifted his one arm and sweeped away my hair to one side exposing my neck while his other palm rested on top of mine, his fingers intertwining with mine.

Once he has sweeped my hair to the side, his arm wrapped around my stomach and he leaned down and rested his chin on my now exposed shoulder, his warm breath hitting my neck causing goosebumps to arise over my body, his eyes staring intensely into mine through the mirror.

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