Chapter 16 | Respect

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✨ Zale's POV ✨

I fucking hate public events and I had no plan to going to one either if not for her. She surely missed her family, her father and her brother and going to that event was one way of making her meet them.

Yeah, I know it was selfish, I can easily release her and then she would be with her family but no, I am fucking selfish and she is not going anywhere. Not until I get Alaska.

I groaned remembering what all happened last night. So fucking wrong. And it took everything in me to not kiss her last night. And back at home if she would have been sober then I would have taken her to my room and shown her just how sore I can make her.

She didn't come out of her room this morning for breakfast so I ate it alone. How long will she hide from me? She has to face me eventually and the embarrassment that will come along with it.

How much will she remember from last night? I want her to remember everything because damn, the second hand embarrassment I felt last night...she has to feel it too, I won't let her escape it.

As I was done with the breakfast, I heard Alaric cry, so I went upstairs to check on him. As I was about to enter his nursery, she came out of her room, her hair messy and cheeks flushed and when she saw me, her eyes widened and she blushed hard before averting her gaze and going inside the nursery. She picked up Alaric in her arms and avoiding me, went inside her room again and closed the door.

I gave her sometime to gather herself, so I went inside my study and focused on my work instead.

But I couldn't. My mind kept going back to her again and again. How fucking adorably she grinned last night.

"How much do you hate me?" She had asked yesterday morning. She should have asked if I even hate her at all.

Sighing, I leaned back in my chair. She looked so fucking gorgeous last night, like a goddess.

Fuck. I need a shower.

Frustrated at myself I headed upstairs to my room which was opposite to hers but I guess she never figured out which room is mine or else she would have stabbed me in my sleep.

After I was done with the shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked out of room and found her going inside hers but she shrieked when she saw me almost naked and covering her eyes went inside her room and was about to close the door but I placed my palm over it, pushing it wide open.

"Wear some clothes for fuck's sake!" She scolded, keeping her back to me.

I walked closer to her. "Why? Is it bothering you?"

"Yes! Cause you are acting like a pervert!"

I chuckled at that. "Pervert and me? Do you even remember what all you did last night?"

She glanced over her shoulders, her cheeks red. "Shut up!"

"What? Now you are feeling embarrassed? What happened last night, huh?" And I walked closer to her until my front was pressed to her back.

"I was drunk." She said trying to defend herself.

"Oh, that you were. Very drunk but you know people speak the truth whenever they are drunk."

And leaning down, I whispered in her ear huskily, "And you asked me to be your sugar daddy last night."

Her body stiffened. "I...I... remember what all I did last night, you don't need to remind me. And..."

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