Chapter 1 | The Iyan Family

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The sound of my fists hiting the punching bag echoed in the training hall. My anger against those assholes last night dissolving with every punch.

Had I not being drunk I would have definitely taught them a nice lesson.

Dad stood leaning against the wall, the buttons of his black suit jack undone, his dark brown hair swept back neatly and his deep black analysing my movements.

He was quite young when he got married and had us hence he's just forty-four and it's not a surprise when he is still very fit with strong arms which were right now folded across his chest.

It seemed he wanted to say something but he was being quiet and letting me vent out my anger before saying anything.

When I was done, sweat coated my skin, a drop of it rolling down the side of my forehead which I wiped with the back of my palm.

He bent down to pick up the bottle of water and threw it to me which I caught and drank from it and he walked to me.

"I know you love disobeying me but to put your life in danger and go there almost every weekend, it's too much now, Jezebel." His jaw clenched, anger slowly building up in his eyes but he let out a deep sigh trying to control. He doesn't show his anger to us no matter what, he tries to be calm. "Consider this a last warning. After this I'll be forced to keep you locked up here."

"You can't keep me inside here, I'm capable enough to protect myself. Those assholes were a piece of cake, don't worry about me." I rolled my eyes.

"That's not what I am talking about." He gave me a pointed look. "That club belongs to Zale, it's fucking dangerous to go there."

Zale Weylyn. He can't do shit to me.

"Dad, we have a peace treaty with him, don't we? He's not stupid enough to hurt me knowing it will only bring a war."

"Still, don't go there, Jezebel. Listen to me for once."

"I will see..." I dismissed the topic and made my way to the door with him following behind me.

"You are as stubborn as your mother." He mumbled to himself. "Just don't make a mistake like hers and get yourself killed."

I stopped and looked at him over my shoulders. "Dad, if I am destined to die in a certain way then no one can stop that, okay? And mom did use to listen to you, she loved you."

"She sure did." He sighed softly and stepping closer gently ruffled my hair and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "I just want to keep you safe."

"You are not going to lose me this soon." I assured him making his smile.

Mom died five years ago leaving dad devasted cause they both loved each other more than anything else even though they had an arranged marriage at a young age. She was the mafia queen and dad treated her accordingly.

Even though I know how much dad loved her, I want him to now move on. He was still young and he needs a companion, a wife.

But there's no point in arguing with him about that, he just doesn't listen and he says I am the stubborn one.

Just as we left the training halls, down the corridor the front door burst open and Dane walked inside, dancing and swaying and singing to himself. My elder brother, looked like a younger version of dad, with the same hair colour and eyes and a light stubble gracing his jaw.

"I would never fall in love again until I found her
I said I would never fall unless it's you I fall into
I was lost within the darkness, but then I found her
I found you..."

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