Spartan Parties and Drunken Confessions

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The Spartan soldiers stood in line, anxiously awaiting their commander's return. One saw a figure approaching from a distance.


The men were instantly in combat position, summoning magic shields on one arm, aiming their wands with the other.

The men were instantly in combat position, summoning magic shields on one arm, aiming their wands with the other

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"It's Lord L/N!" another yelled. The men returned to an ease pose as the young Lord approached with a smile as he dismounted the terrifying creature. He stroked the creature's face, looking into it's eyes lovingly as the men watched on in shock.

"Go now Sköll, to your new home. Relax in peace you magnificent warg. Your suffering is over."

He stood back from the terrifying creature as the men watched dumbfounded, opening up a portal which the beast ran through before closing it.

"How.... what news my Lord?" Artemis asked.

"We return to Sparta, Captain. Send word to the other units- Azog is dead and the orcish armies are retreating. They are no longer a threat and have been taken from the board. They answer to me now."

The soldiers looked at Y/N astonished before Artemis answered.

"Of course my Lord. At once."

Y/N nodded and strolled off to take in one last look at the Greek landscape they had been defending. Astinos followed him.

"So that's really it? The war is over Y/N?" The young Spartan asked as he approached his friend

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"So that's really it? The war is over Y/N?" The young Spartan asked as he approached his friend.

All other Spartans addressed Y/N as Lord, out of duty and respect. Y/N and Astinos had developed a close friendship quickly after meeting, after fighting beside each other in bloody battle. He alone out of all the Spartans was permitted to address Y/N by his Christian name.

"It's far from over Astinos, but the orcish battles have been won and the incursions stopped. Come, let us return to Sparta, I have need of an ale, and I must report to the King and the Ephors. It will be good to see my brothers."

Sam and Jacob had each been placed in charge of a separate unit, holding a line of defence across Greece. Wards kept muggles at bay and funnelled enemies into narrow corridors, where their vast numbers counted for little. A playbook borrowed from Grandfather Leonidas, and perfected in the following 2000 years by Spartan generals. It had served them well.

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