Battle in Bulgaria

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A/N: Language in English but italicised is Bulgarian. This chapter contains a trigger warning for attempted sexual assault.

Y/N emerged from the Floo network at the Spartan embassy in Sofia. He heard a commotion outside, smelt smoke, then saw the shocked looks of the two witches who appeared by their dress to be admin staff. They were cowering behind a reception desk. Two Spartans in military garb were yelling looking out the glass doors. It was chaos outside.

"Μείνε εδώ και κλείδωσε τις πόρτες πίσω μου. Φέρνω αυτές τις εντολές από τον Βασιλιά σας!"

Y/N bellowed as he walked forward. The two Spartans turned to him and bowed after going wide-eyed.

"Άρχοντας L/N! Φυσικά Κύριε μου!"

Y/N nodded as he stepped out and walked towards the large building at the end of the street. He assumed this was the Bulgarian Ministry. It was larger than every other building and people were running from it.

As he stalked forward he heard the same phrase over and over again.

"вампири! вампири! Бягай"

He had no idea what this meant. Frankly he didn't care. He had a job to do.

Y/N gained pace as he charged, apparating closer and closer as soon as he got a clear view of where he wanted to go. He reached the front doors and kicked them open- but even the mighty Y/N L/N gasped in shock at what he saw.

Blood soaked the walls and floor, numerous bodies laying dead, throats torn out, dead eyes opened wide with fear. Y/N unsheathed his Angel Blade and his primary wand as he looked around.

Fucking Vampires!


Y/N walked through the foreign Ministry, attempting to find any survivors he could. He was following screams, some rooms he passed were on fire, others housed massacres. After five minutes he found survivors huddled in a bathroom.

He peered into their fear-addled minds and gained what he needed to.

"Аз съм тук, за да помогна. Преминете през този портал сега!"

Y/N opened a portal to the Spartan embassy and the terrified workers ran through without asking questions. Y/N closed it and continued looking for survivors. It wasn't long before he came across a handful of vampires, mad with blood lust.

"C'mon!" He bellowed.

They charged to feed upon the young Lord and he fought with bravery and grace, stabbing with his blade, decapitating with his wand as he cast diffindo. It was only a matter of moments before the vampires had been despatched.

Over the course of the next twenty minutes    Y/N had located and saved roughly twenty more people, dispatching dozens of vampires. He finally sent out a psychic pulse, attempting to locate any other survivors. He found a large cluster, barricaded in what looked like the Bulgarian wizengamot. He projected to their location and sensed their fear as they heard a horde of vampires attempting to break in. Y/N looked up in his projection and saw an oddly shaped glass ceiling. He returned to his body and looked up at the glass ceiling in the atrium he was standing in.

Y/N took a couple of steps forward and adopted his animagus form, lifting up and smashing through the glass ceiling. He saw the distinct glass ceiling of the wizengamot about 200 yards ahead and dove through it, landing in front of a terrified group of witches and wizards.

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