A Sister I never knew and the Selection of Champions.

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Penny exploded, or came as close to exploding as Penny was capable of doing, as soon as her husband closed the door. Tears streamed down her face as she had lost the ability to speak.

She cried and sobbed hysterically as Y/N approached her quickly and squeezed her tight. He whispered into her ear as she slowly calmed. Aerith walked up to Dean and smiled as she looked at the pair.

"He's very good with her isn't he?"

Dean chuckled.

"They are very close. When Penny is in a state like this Y/N is the only one who can calm her, he's a lot better at emotional stuff than me."

Aerith awed and then moved across to Hermione, linking arms with her.

"Are you ok Hermione?"

Hermione nodded.

"I will be Aerith, it's just been a big day".

Aerith smiled warmly and nodded in understanding. They looked back at Penny who had calmed enough to regain the power of speech.

"What did you think you were doing Cutie Pie? You know how dangerous this Tournament is? I never in my wildest, well maybe my wildest, but not in any of my rational dreams thought-"

"Penny.... breathe" Y/N said tenderly as he released the hug and gripped her hands, raising them to his chest.

"You must have known I would enter Pens. A tournament like this, it's catnip to a man like me. I will be ok. Prepare yourself for me being selected tomorrow night but everything will be ok. I've faced more dangerous situations on field trips" Y/N smiled, speaking calmly, trying to calm his Penny down.

She nodded, before whimpering and pulling Y/N into another tight hug he happily returned.

"I just love you Cutie Pie. I'm scared for you and... oh Hermione you must be so worried too!"

Penny released the hug and rushed over to Hermione, hugging her tightly. It was returned before Penny turned to Aerith and held her arm out.

"Come on Aerith, we're all sister-in-laws now"

Penny smiled as Aerith smiled brightly and walked over, the three women joining in a tight hug.

"Another hugger" Y/N chuckled to himself, rubbing his eyes as Dean walked over.

"Congratulations on entering Y/N. I'm proud of you"

He smiled and held out his hand, Y/N considering it before begrudgingly shaking back.

"So I'll be your mentor if you're selected and-"

"We'll talk about that later Dean. For tonight I just want to take Hermione to our room and make her feel loved and safe. It's been a really hard day for her".

Dean nodded as the three girls released the hug. Aerith looked shocked.

"You two share a room?"

Y/N chuckled.

"Got a lot to catch you up about tomorrow Aerith".

Penny whimpered again and held her arms out, Y/N chuckling and walking over to her, squeezing tight.

"This isn't going to be over anytime soon is it Pens?"

Penny whimpered again and looked up at Y/N.

"Could we, you know, like we did before?"

She asked with pleading big beautiful blue eyes. Y/N smiled down at her and kissed her on the forehead before speaking.

"Hermione love, you don't mind if Penny kips with us tonight do you?"

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