The Weighing of Wands

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Y/N and Hermione were laying on their bed. Hermione's head was resting on his chest, outlining his scar with her finger. Y/N traced his finger up and down the contour of her spine.

"So the Headmaster told you about those bitches?" Hermione chuckled.

"Albus, McGonagall, Maxine, Penny, Dean, Aerith, Sev" Y/N chuckled. "After they'd had Penny and Aerith make me swear to both of them I wouldn't apparate or do anything until I'd heard them out completely".

Hermione giggled and rolled her eyes.

"Did you take it well?" Hermione asked, already knowing the answer.

"If it wasn't for magic I'd owe the Headmaster a new desk" Y/N chuckled.

"What happened?"

"Well after they'd clawed me down off the ceiling and I'd terrified Maxine that she would have to bury five students they explained to me what happened. I summoned Vinda who explained she was a moment from destroying the lot of them when Pierre jumped in".

"I've spent a lot of time with him the last few days. We get on well. He's a good friend". Hermione smiled.

"I'm glad to hear it. Even though you could have taken all of those bitches by yourself, he still had your back. I won't forget it" Y/N smiled back.

"Lavender and Penny said you wouldn't be threatened by me hanging around him" Hermione chuckled.

Y/N lifted his head.

"Did you think I would be?"

Hermione looked up and giggled.

"No" she answered before pecking Y/N on the lips.

"Good. I've got no issue with you having male friends. I know you'd never cheat, and I also know what would happen if anyone tried it on".

Hermione rolled her eyes and giggled again.

"So how was the mission?".

"Bloody. Violent. Hot"

"Hot?" She asked puzzled.

"South America is bloody hot love. The Knights were trying to get a treasure out of a cursed temple. It dated from the First Age. Lilith wanted it for the coming war".

"So what happened?"

"Forty Dead Knights. Broken curse. Destroyed ancient temple and bad publicity for Fudge" Y/N chuckled.

"Forty? You and Sam had to kill forty Knights?" Hermione shot up as she spoke.

"Well... I think Sam got three of them" Y/N smirked.

"Are you ok after all that?" Hermione asked concerned.

"They were abducting and imperio-ing Indigenous tribes-people. Sent them all to their deaths. I had no hesitation or guilt in sending every last one downstairs".

Hermione nodded and squeezed Y/N tight.

"So was there a treasure?"

Y/N chuckled and levitated the egg from his pouch, holding it up. Hermione looked at it surprised.

"An egg? What's in it?"

"I have absolutely no idea. I'll keep it here until I figure it out... but I'm pretty excited. There was a statue of an ancient god of destruction in front of the egg. The curse on the temple, the wards protecting it... it took my Angel Blade to break the curse. I'm thinking it's got to be-"

"A legendary creature!" Hermione said finishing Y/N's sentence as he smiled and nodded.

"But... it happened again, after we left the temple".

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