A Long First Day

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Y/N and Hermione walked hand in hand down the sloping lawns of Hogwarts towards Hagrid's cabin.

Y/N and Hermione walked hand in hand down the sloping lawns of Hogwarts towards Hagrid's cabin

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They smiled at each other, both relieved to be over their misunderstanding. They were a really good couple, both of them loved and appreciated the other. Since they had finally committed to the relationship fifteen months prior they had had very few arguments. The last one was the previous year when Y/N started hunting. Even so, their misunderstanding was enough to make them both feel incredibly needy for the other.

Y/N jumped up and sat on a boulder near Hagrid's hut, as they waited for the teacher and their classmates to arrive. Hermione stood between Y/N's legs, wrapping her arms round his neck and smiling as she leant towards him. He reciprocated and their lips connected. Heated, passionately, they moved in synch before Y/N licked Hermione's bottom lip and was immediately granted access.

He explored her mouth and wrestled with her tongue, both of them moaning as Y/N's hands descended and...


The couple parted, breathing heavy before Hermione placed her head on Y/N's chest, Y/N looking up at the Headmaster who was standing several feet from the couple.

"May I have a word Y/N?" Albus asked, a small grin on his face.

"Fucking cockblock" Y/N whispered to himself, earning a smack on the arm from Hermione and a chuckle from the Headmaster.

"It never ceases to amaze me how you manage to keep this one in line Ms Granger. Y/N if you would?" The Headmaster smiled, holding his hand to the side. Hermione moved back and  Y/N jumped back to his feet, walking off a small distance with the older man. The last thing Hermione heard before a silencing charm was thrown up around the pair was "I need to talk to you about Herb-"

"Alrigh' 'Ermione?" Hagrid asked as he emerged from his hut, Fang next to him and with two large crates in his hands.

"Good morning Hagrid. How are you Professor?" Hermione asked smiling.

"Good thank you. What's going on there- what's he done now?" Hagrid laughed pointing to the two wizards. Hermione turned to see    Y/N motioning to rip his own face off and the Headmaster waving his arms looking exhausted.

"Nothing yet Hagrid. I think" Hermione giggled as the large man chuckled and re entered his hut.

Hermione smiled watching the animated conversation going on yards from her, her boyfriend now appearing to be demonstrating choking someone while the Headmaster angrily pointed a finger at him, when she was suddenly engulfed in a tight hug.

"'Mione! I was so worried. Are you two ok?" Lavender almost yelled as she squeezed. Hermione hugged back and giggled.

"We are Lav. It was a misunderstanding. I showed Y/N my memories of the class. He showed me his. He didn't even notice that bitch, he was too busy trying to not murder Finchley."

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