Four Champions

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Harry sat there, aware that every head in the Great Hall had turned to look at him. He was stunned. He felt numb. He was surely dreaming. He hadn't heard correctly.

There was no applause. A buzzing, as though of angry bees, was starting to fill the hall.

"Harry Potter"

Dumbledore called again, looking at Harry who looked at his friends. Lavender looked at him stunned. Ron looked angry. Hermione was unreadable.

The whispers got louder as Harry looked at the other Gryffindors. Some looked shocked. Some looked angry.


Dumbledore screamed as Harry stumbled up before he froze. Hermione stood and lent over, pushing him slightly.

"Go Harry. For gods sake go".


Dumbledore roared this time. Harry stumbled forward. Shocked. Terrified. He heard whispers turn to yells.

"He's not 17"

"He's not powerful like Y/N"

"He's a cheat"

Hermione looked at Harry as he weakly struggled forward and she noticed for the first time. Really noticed.

She just took it for granted Y/N was different to the others. At 6'5" he was taller than anyone at Hogwarts but Hagrid. His body, the one she knew so well, so fully developed, so ripped, so full of muscle. His beard full, thick, trimmed. He was a man. She knew this, but it never occurred to her that the others in their year were children. Where Y/N had walked proudly, strongly, confidently- she watched poor Harry meekly stumble forward.

He was a boy and had now been thrown into a man's contest. She was terrified for him.


Fleur stood in the chamber the champions had been sent to. She was so proud to be
the Beauxbaton champion. She looked across at the Neanderthal in the corner. She knew his kind. Her Veela senses picked up the stink of a brute who took what he wanted by force.

She heard loud applause from upstairs and smiled. It must have been him chosen. It could only be him. She lusted after him from the moment she first saw him. So powerful, so dignified, so lordly- he carried himself with the confidence of a man hung well enough to satisfy even a Veela; and the fact that he could resist her Veela seduction made her want him all the more.

As he entered the chamber she smiled to herself. She would have him this year. She would claim her prize. She wanted to be ravished by him. She watched him glare at the Neanderthal as footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs.


Y/N glared at Krum as he stood in the chamber. He would expose this prick, one way or the other, and end him before the year was out. He saw Fleur looking at him hungrily in his peripheral vision. Just another headache. Another Susan. He didn't have the time or energy for her nonsense. He was distracted by footsteps coming down the stairs. He turned puzzled, looking at the scared little lamb in front of him.

"Harry? What are you doing here mate?"

"What iz it?" Fleur asked. "Do zey want us back in ze Hall?"

Harry looked at one of his best friends.

"I didn't do it Y/N. I swear I didn't"

"Do wha-"

Y/N was cut off as Dumbledore tore into the room. The staff were behind him arguing. Y/N heard Madame Maxine yelling "I protest. I protest"

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