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Y/N smiled and walked forward, embracing Gellert tightly.

"Grandfather, it is so good to see you! I have missed you"

Gellert smiled as he looked up at grandson and gently slapped his cheek. He was much larger than last year, he had matured, he sported a full beard, he was a mountain of a man, yet he still looked a child in Gellert's eyes. His sweet grandchild, Heir to his noble and ancient House. Gellert smiled as he took in Y/N one last time, gripping his arms.

"Come grandson, sit. We have much to discuss."


The pair sat for hours, going over the events of the previous year. The Phoenix Bearers, the political assault on the Ministry, the revelation of Y/N's role in stopping the apocalypse, his trip to heaven, the current political climate, the orcish incursions and the vampiric attack on Bulgaria.

"Much is happening, largely hidden. It was wise of you to hide the presence of your army Y/N, wiser of you to form it in the first place. Test them frequently- the Diabolica is impossible to trick, impossible to deny. Anyone not loyal to will perish instantly. Have you been practicing your legacy?"

Y/N smiled as a small blue flame rose from his shoulder, taking the form of a Phoenix.

"I have Grandfather, frequently. I would not dare to call myself a master, but I have control of it, I can mould it to my will as you taught me."

"Excellent. I am proud of you grandson. What of this year? Albus tells me you will be competing in the Tri-Wizard at his behest."

"Yes Grandfather. I thought it a good opportunity to demonstrate my strength. Gather more forces for the coming war. But I did leverage the situation to my advantage."

"In what way?" Gellert asked intrigued.

"Hermione and I, we now have shared accommodation at Hogwarts. We share a home away from school, now we will share a bed within it as well."

Gellert chuckled and raised an eyebrow at his grandson.

"Well played Grandson, well played. You are truly a Grindelwald! Your cunning could match that of my father. And that dear Y/N, is saying something. Come let us eat before we assess your training."


The week sped by. Y/N and Gellert duelled for hours at a time, Gellert was incredibly impressed with Y/N's improvement, they would reach a stalemate, neither could beat the other.

Y/N had become his grandfather's equal.


As the week passed Y/N felt the pull of home. He ached to be with Hermione again.

"So I will return in the break for a few days Grandfather?" Y/N asked as they parted from an embrace.

"Yes. Darkness is coming Y/N. I have seen it watching you from the shadows. Keep on your guard and protect Harry and Hermione. Keep them close."

Y/N nodded and hugged his grandfather again before timeturning. He travelled back a week, and smiled from the balcony he stood on as he saw himself and Gellert sitting near the fireplace, talking.

He apparated.


It had been a long boring summer for Hermione. Well it wasn't boring, as much as it was lonely, despite being around her parents and Penny, despite Lavender's visits and the visits of Chiara, Charlie and Vinda.

For You I Will #4- The Goblet Of FireWhere stories live. Discover now