Explanations and Tournament Openings

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Aerith smiled at the young couple in front of her, her long lost baby brother and his girlfriend, who both sat with the same slack jawed expression.

"I'm the last descendant of an ancient magical people called the Cetra. We use a different form of magic, we commune with nature".

She smiled brightly and brought her hands to her chest as she continued.

"We who are born of the planet, with her we speak. Her flesh we shape. Unto her promised land we one day return. By her loving grace and providence may we take our place in paradise".

She smiled again and continued:

"My magic takes the form of a Summoner. I can call a number of powerful elemental spirits to protect me and aid me in battle. It's why I have a staff instead of a wand."

Aerith smiled sweetly at the pair of teenagers who stared at her blankly.

"So... how does that make you my sister?" Y/N asked, puzzled.

Aerith chuckled. "Well to be honest, although I am the last of the Cetra, I'm only half Cetra. My mother was the last full blooded Cetra."

"Then that means?" Hermione said in realisation.

"Yes, we have the same father. Our Dad, he was given the mission of protecting my mother during the war. Your parents Y/N, I'm sorry to say, didn't have a happy marriage. While I'm very sorry for them for that. Dad found true love in my Mum. Through their love I was conceived. While Mum was pregnant with me it was decided that it was too dangerous for her to remain here in Britain so she was sent to France where I was born. Dad never knew about me, he couldn't leave Jacob and purebloods don't allow divorce so he stayed in an unhappy marriage for his son."

Y/N absorbed her words.

"How old are you?" He asked.

"I'm 24." Aerith smiled.

"Ok so you're two years younger than Jacob, and two older than Dean. And nine older than me".

Y/N was looking rather shaky. It was a lot to process.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I know it's a lot to take in. Don't think less of your father, our father, for this. He was a good man, it's just..."

Y/N waved his hand towards his sister.

"No, no I don't. Our moth... my mother, was an evil woman. When I was a baby an evil group known as the Knights of Merlin broke into our house one night after Voldemort fell. I'm really sorry Aerith, our father was murdered."

"I know" Aerith said sadly. "Word reached us in France. It broke my mother's heart."

Y/N nodded and continued.

"After they killed Dad they tortured me, for hours. It... changed me..." Y/N looked away as his sister gave him a mournful expression and held her hands together to her chest, Hermione wrapping her arms around him tightly before he spoke again.

"Anyway, after that once Dean went to Hogwarts my mother started beating me, torturing me, daily for five long years until Jacob rescued me."

Y/N looked back at Aerith and she was shocked to say the least. She closed the gap between them and hugged him tight.

"Y/N I'm so so sorry."

"It's fine Aerith. I'm only telling you so you understand when I say I feel nothing for her but contempt. I'm really happy my Dad, our Dad, found true love and happiness with your mum."

They sat in a happy silence for a moment before a thought occurred to Y/N. He spoke up.

"Why didn't you come looking for us Aerith?"

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