Part 3

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The bell rang, the sounds echoing through the halls, kids running to get out of the hell hole. I however was left moping the halls trying to find Max. But after a while I just decided to wait outside near my bike, and she was already there.
"I was looking for you" I say with a giggle
"And yet you didn't walk to the place we said we would meet up?" She replied with a sarcastic sigh
"Oh, that's right" I got on my bike, and max on her skateboard.

We started riding to the trailer park where Max and her mum moved to after her step father left. She still hasn't told me why he left but it seemed like he wasn't a good person anyways.
"So, what are the plans for tonight?" I ask
"I don't know, just hang out I guess, if mums not home maybe we can prank call a few people?"
"Sounds like a plan" and there it was, that amazing smile, even if her face was a bit sweaty it just mad her face shine beautifully in the light.

As we neared the trailers she pointed down the road.
"The one down near the fence on the left, I'll race ya?" She said speeding off without me registering what she said
"Hey that's not fair!" I sped down the road to catch up. I skidded to a stop in front of the trailer with a very smug looking Max with her skateboard tucked under her arm.
"Wow you DO suck I'm on a stake board and I still beat you" she commented
"Oh don't you even start" I said as I jumped off my bike walking towards her. She ran behind the trailer with me close behind. As I turned the corner I almost ran into her she had stopped and was facing me. Both of our giggles filled the short space between us. Her ocean like eyes pouring into my brown ones- wait she wasn't looking at my eyes. She was focused on something just below them, my lips.
Her hands were trying to reach out shakily to mine, instead I put a hand on her cheek and the other on her waist as I closed the gap between us, slightly leaning down to close the gab.
Both of us jumping back at the sound, we walked inside.
"Stay there" she called as she walked into what I presumed was the lounge area. I didn't quite know why but I did, and all I her was tin cans and bin bags.
"Ok" she said after a minute or two
I walk through the lounge, her mum was passed out on the couch.
"Does she drink?" I asked in a consoling voice
"Sometimes, ever since he left" I gave her a tight lipped smile.
Suddenly the screeching sound of old brakes broke us out of our trance.
We looked out the window and saw Eddie the leader of hell fire getting out of his van- with Chrissy?
I turned to look at Max and we shared a glance for a minute.

"Prank calls?" I asked with a smirk
"Definately" she laughed and lead me to the phone while she got the town number book.
About half and hour later we heard a scream next door. We rushed to the window to see a terrified Eddie running to the van and leaving.
"That was weird right?" I asked
"Yea... but this town isn't really normal either" A silence filled the air.
"Anymore ideas for the rest of the night?" I asked trying to get back to our sleepover
"Not really we can just hangout in my room for a while?"
"Sweet" she took my hand and lead me to her room, played music in the background and grabbed a few magazines.

—time skip—
"Oo what about footloose?" Max asked, we'd spent the last hour deciding what to watch
"Fineeeee" we both sat on the couch as she put the vhs tape in. We sat awkwardly close together, my right and left legs where resting against each other and our arms occasionally brushed one another. The movie dragged on but I wasn't paying attention I stole glances at Max while she was deeply engaged into the movie. The tv lit up her face illuminating her freckles, blue eyes and her red hair framed her faces perfectly. The music from the music box in the tv started to play- I knew this scene like the back of my hand- Max looked at me with hope in her eyes as I gently cupped her face and pulled her in closing the gap until our lips finally met. They fit together like a puzzle as I tilted her head to deaden the kiss an approving moan came from Max. Her hands traveled up my arms and rested either side of my neck whilst mine found their way to her waist. We broke apart after what felt like hours to breathe, our foreheads resting against each other.
"That was..." I said breathlessly
"Amazing, your amazing" max finished
"I know I am" I said with a smirk. She slapped my arm moving back to lay on the couch
"You just had to ruin it" sarcasm hidden in her voice.
"What you said I was amazing-" I paused "- it was really nice, I really like you Max" I confess
"I do too, like ALOT" she spoke in a soft voice as she sat back up, her eyes meeting mine.

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