Part 11

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"I got him! Got him" Robin shouted from the other side of the creel house, we were all spread out with flashlights turned off in order to somehow locate Vecna.
"I - I had him" her voice stammers as her light disappears instead lighting up Steve's
"Woah" he paused watching in fascination, "I think he's moving. He's moving. He's moving" Steve repeats louder following hit light. Everyone followed Steve through the house and upstairs until his light disappeared, "shit, I lost him."
"No you didn't" max said walking towards the attic entrance, opening the door to see the light turned on.
"Hold up guys, what if he's leading us into a trap? Guys. Guys!" Dustin whisper yelled at us all, but continued to follow us not wanting to be left alone.
We all stood around the light staring at its newly found power.
"Woah, flashlights" Dustin said as all of them turned on as they drew closer to the naught light.we all stood in a circle pointing of flashlights to the source in the centre. I stood between max and Steve, my attention being taken away from it all as max grabbed my hand in an effort to keep herself grounded.
We all stared in admiration at the lights, thinking about the possible source it was coming from.
However it was ended with everyone flinching at the light all exploding, the glass flying everywhere causing many to cover their faces with their spare arm.
"Shit" I whispered under my breath.
Whereas mine was squished between max and I as she buried her face into my shoulder, causing me to do the same in an effort to protect my face. My thumb caressed the back of her hand to comfort her.

— time skip —
We were all piled in the car, with Nancy driving talking to Robin in the front, me somehow ending up squished between max and Lucas, again, and Steve and Dustin smacked on the food we were delivering to Eddie.
"Not to be a wimp, but can I maybe sit in the car for this visit, cause this is gonna totally and royally suck" robin complained to nance
"It'll be fine"
"I can't stand to see those dull eyes of Eddie's break again, I really really cant." Robin continued
"At least he can drink himself into feeling better" Steve said with a mouth full of chips from behind us, my eyes rolled at him and Dustin's antics
"That what my mom does" max said, but no one seemed to hear her except for me.
"Why don't we just give it a trial run?" Robin continued to drone on about her terrible communication skills, I instead zoned out putting my hand back asking for some of the chips the boys were devouring. Dustin's clammy hands made contact giving me a high five, I playfully slapped his face, "dumbass" Steve handed me some chips in return.
Lucas started to argue with Robin about what way is the best to break bad news as Max's head lent on my shoulder, I don't remember the last time she would've actually slept.
"Oh shit" nancys slowed the car down as she said that, which was enough to break me out of whatever fairy land I was in.
"What?" I looked out the window to see police cars, new reporter vans and crowds around Eddie's house. We all listened into the chiefs evaluation of the events of last night, Vecna had claimed another senior, and Eddie was now the lead suspect.
"Dustin can you hear me? Wheeler?" Eddie's crackling voice was heard on the walkie-talkie
"Eddie holy shit. Are you okay?"
"Nah man. Pretty.. pretty goddamn far from okay."
"Where is he?" Robin asked Dustin in worry
"Where are you?"
"Skull rock. Do you know it?"
"Uh yea that's near Cornwallis and-"
"Garrett, yeah. I know where that is." Steve cut running off, everyone following.

Currently we were being lead astray by Dustin and is stupid Boy Scout skills.
"Dude I'm telling you, your taking us the wrong way." Steve argued with him
"It's north. I'm positive. I checked the map."
"You do realise skull rock, is a super popular make-out spot?"
"Yea so?"
"Dustin I think everyone here but you has been to skull rock that many times we know the way without a map"
"You haven't even been here for that long Sarah" Dustin turned his head slightly to see max and I holding hands walking together, his mouth forming an o shape.
"Plus it wasn't a spot until I made it a spot" Steve stated, matter of factly. He started walking off.
The truth was max and I had walked to skull rock a few times, it was the only place we found ourselves feeling okay, not near anyone, away from our mothers.
"Steve. Where are you going? Steve!" Dustin called out
"Stop your wining"
We all followed the arguing boys, max and I slowly falling to the back of the group to connect hands again. I didn't know why we chose to hide it from them, it was just a force of habit at this point.
Ahead of us Robin and Nancy argued about Johnathan and Steve.
"Ahh boom, bass bing bass boom there she is!" Steve finally had located skull rock.
They continued their married couple bickering before Eddie jumped down, "I concur, you Henderson are a" he took a deep breath pausing, "total butthead"
"Annnd there it is" I whispered to max warning a slight laugh.
"Jesus we thought you were a goner" Dustin said relieved, hugging Eddie.
"Yeah, me too man. Me too"
I looked around reminiscing the times max brought me here, we would just talk, listen to music, hold hands, even just holding each other in silence this was our space where we could do whatever, even the occasional make out.

Bit of a shorter one, sorry guys 😬😬

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