Part 18

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My sniffles echoed in the attic. Lucas put his hand on my shoulder as he held up his notepad.
'You've got this'
We nodded at each other, I shrugged off my backpack putting the Walkman inside. As I lent over to grab the headphone I noticed Max's eyes glossed over.
I looked up to Lucas handing him the flashlight to signal Erica.
"Max! Can you hear me, max!" I held onto Max's hand as Lucas desperately signalled  Erica
I abruptly stood up, "Lucas cmon"
"They are initiating phase 3"

"Cmon she's going to lift soon" I rushed between max and Lucas at the window
"I know! Cmon Erica" Lucas gritted through his teeth both of us staring intensely across the road. That was until the floorboard started creaking. I grabbed Lucas's arm slowly turning us around
"Shit" we both said as we were met with a certain basketball we by the name of Jason.
"Jason, you can't be here right now, man" Lucas tried to reason
"The hell have you done?"
"Jason, you need to leave" Lucas stepped forward
"Is this what you did to Chrissy?"
"Just listen, Jason"
Jason lent down near max
"Hey can you hear me?"
"Don't you dare touch her" I said sternly
"Jason we aren't messing around just please" Lucas argued as I went to push him away
"Hey hey! Back up! Back up!"
I fell back into the floorboard shuffling until I hit into Lucas leg, Jason had pulled a pistol out of his jacket
"Wo-woah" I stammered
"Wait- wait. W-we don't have to do this, we don't have to do this man" Lucas continued to reason with the psychopath
"Yea I hope your right. Is there anyone else in the house?"
"No, no" Lucas slowly bent down gripping my shirt helping my stand
"Woah hey!" Jason said, "turn around"
"Turn around!"
"Okay okay, relax relax"
Lucas and I slowly turned facing the window once again.
"And put down your flashlight!"
"Okay" Lucas kept whispering to himself
"And empty your pockets, empty them!"
We both dug into our pockets emptying the spear batteries, old coins and gum wrappers out of them.
"Okay, now this is what's gonna happen. I'm gonna back away to the top of the stairs there and you two are gonna wake her up from whatever the hell this is."
"I- we can't" Lucas slowly turned to his once teammate, "Jason if I wake her too soon we all die."
"No, if you don't wake her up right now you both die."
Jason cocked the pistol
"Just you two"

"We call him vecna he lives in another dimension that's why you can't see him" I tried to convince the idiot we were serious
"And Eddie Munson and his.. his hellfire acolytes what, you all summoned this Vecna?"
"No no!your not listening just listen" Lucas argued, "there's no cult. There never was"
"You expect me to believe that?"
"It's the truth!" I countered
"Then why was Chrissy at Eddie's trailer?"
"She was buying drugs!"
Jason pistol clicked once again signalling it's safety turning off
"Chrissy... she was seeing things."
"Terrible things" I added looking at max on the floor
"Things Vecna forced her to see. She was scared." Lucas begged the boy to believe us
"She just needed help"
"That's how I know your lying. If Chrissy was scared. If, if Chrissy wanted help she would've come to me! Not Eddie. Not that freak! Never!"
"Your wrong about Eddie" I stepped side by side next to Lucas with a sudden boost of confidence mixed with anger. Jason pointed his gun to me
"No, I don't know who you are. New. Girl. But you Sinclair" his gun pointed back to Lucas, "I was wrong about you. I never should have let you in that door."
"And I never should have knocked, I thought I wanted to be like you. Popular normal. But it turns out your just a raging psychopath."
"You have five seconds to wake her up"
He switched his aim
Lucas shoved me away sprinting at Jason as the gun fired. My head slamming into the floorboard
"Uhhg" I groaned touching the side of my head, a small trickle of blood coming down the side of my face.
Another gunshot sounded in the air as Jason lost control of it at the impact of the ground. He got up throwing two punches into Lucas's face before tossing him on the ground, kicking him and punching him over again as Lucas missed. I slowly pushed my body upwards my legs shaking as I stalked behind him grabbing the back of his jacket throwing a punch at his nose knocking his head to the side, my high didn't last long after his fist collided with my side sending me to the ground again. Jason grabbed Lucas ramming him into whatever was closest, lucas grabbed his shirt landing two punches into Jason's stomach before being hit over the head with a glass vase.
Jason had Lucas pinned my his throat against the wall chocking him. My arms vigorously shook as I lift my body off the floor again finding a new source of strength, Max's body hyperventilated as I dragged my way over to Lucas quietly hear Erica banging on the locked door. Max started levitating as I neared Lucas and Jason grabbing the torch using my whole body to twist and launch the torch into jasons head knocking him out completely Lucas dropped to the ground scrambling over to the backpack and I stacked the wooden crates together in a stair like fashion.
Our limo body's trying their best, Lucas softly chucked Max's Walkman up to me as I lent on tippy toes to put the headphones on pressing play as the familiar sound of Kate bush began I slid it into her pocket overestimating my balance causing me to collapse off the top crate onto the ground again.
I started coughing up blood as Lucas crawled over cradling mess we both stared up as Max's frail body as she started to shake. Despite our hatred towards each other in what might have been our final moment we did everything together for the benefit of max
"Max!" Lucas yelled
"Max please!" Blood filled my mouth. "Please stay!"
Her bone flexed as they almost looked like breaking point.
A loud gasp gave us hope as she dropped her tear ducts sealing blood.
I held her in my arms lucas on her other side. Erica finally burst through the door.
"Erica, go call and ambulance!" Lucas called out
"I'm here, max I'm here"
"I'm so scared, I, he- he almost"
"Max you ok" I reassured her.
A blot spot on her shirt caught Lucas's attention
"Sarah" his eyes widen as he looked at my abdomen
Max and I Beth followed his eyesight. Blood covered my shirt and flesh poked through my side.
Jason hadn't missed.
Max's silence, and sudden limp body caused me to freak.
"M-max? Max!" I payed her on the floor cupping my hand around her face, "max! Come on you made it back! Now stay! Please!"
The house began to shake and the floor separated ripping Jason's body in half. The gates were opening, Max's heart had stopped
"Lucas do something! CPR hurry!" As Lucas started cpr on max, my own adrenaline slowed, Erica's footsteps coming back was the last thing I heard.
Ooohhhhh, what's gonna happen???????

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