2- part 14

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(Sorry just realised that Dustin was meant to be with scoops troops.... Sorry let's just say he ended up staying with everyone esle😬)

You know when your waiting purposely and time seems to take for ever but when your doing something it goes by quickly.

Well this was both. The agonising silent tears and whispers seemed to almost pause time for everyone.


But the timer had other plans.
Plans that made it seem like el wasn't exactly meant to be in our future. And no one wanted that.

Heavy footsteps crunched on the leaves outside. Lucas jumped up rushing out the door with Mike and Johnathan.
Mumbles could be heard and when they returned inside Erica was with them. I tilted my head confused at why she was back.
"Nancy said to come back her so I didn't have to witness it." She said panting out of breath.


Els head tossed and turned splashing water out of the tub all of us huddled around her, Dustin, Lucas, Will and Mike arguing about how to wake her if she didn't get out.


Max joined their argument as my hand reached down to touch the side of els face. A mind dive was tricky and dangerous in a time like this. But I had to.

I connected myself with el finding her barricading Vecna in the broken creel house, she was bashed up pretty bad and was showing signs of clear exhaustion.
"El you have to go." Her snapped to the side trying to see I was there.
"I'm doing a mind dive you have to get out... now"
"Okay" her timid voice spoke clear signs of damage to her throat effected her voice. Her scream rang out through the void as I left her once more hoping she would come back this time.
My eyes shot open with max and the boys still arguing.


El still struggled in the void




Max's arms snaked around mine again after hearing my voice.


The boys' heads all snapped in our direction as they looked to the timer.
Els body still in the water.

Mike raced to the side of the tub grabbing onto els hand.
"Please." He whispered

No one dared to move, not an inch.
The only thing heard was Mike pleading for his girlfriend to wake up.

And that's just what she did.

A loud gasp shocked us all as el ripped off her blindfold and was immediately embraced by Mike.
"El!" Multiple shouts were heard. Mike let go as we helped him lift her out and carried her to the bathroom to rinse off the salty water and give her new clothes.
We sat her on the couch next to Mike and gave her pizza and water in an attempt to get her energy back.
But all the girl wanted was sleep. And so did the rest of us. After Nancy, Steve and Robin had come back and we called Joyce and hopper to tell them it was over we all payed out sleeping bags in the living room with the heater on.
Max was next to me clutching my hand as if I would disappear again.
Mike and el were cuddled up on the couch. Johnathan and argyle stole the only beds available Steve, Dustin and Eddie had their own little huddle.
Lucas and Erica clinged onto each other afraid they would be separated.
Robin and Nancy had shuffled their sleeping bags together.
And Will was in the middle of us all. Like always will held us all in same place. He was the heart to us all.

I know that's sort of an unexpected ending line but I thought I'd tie in some more of the tv show into it.
I will do another chapter or two set a year or so in the furture😬

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