2-part 11

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We back beaches...
So like hopefully I'm getting back on the writing grind.
But uhh, I think my grandmas staying with my family for a week or two so idk.
You get updates when you get them😂
A distressed Eddie spun in the water facing the sound of my voice.
"Sarah!" He yelled from the edge of the portal.
My mind went wild at the complications that could happen if I was that close to the upside down while I'm meant to be 'dead'. Or in vecnas mind at least.

My breath quickened as I watched the tired boy struggled in the water, my eyes flicking from the forest I was in to the water.
"God damnit Munson" I muttered stripping off my jumper shirt and tracksuit pants leaving me in shorts and a bra.
I swam out to the boy hooking my arms underneath his trying my best to keep him afloat while I dragged him back with me.
"Eddie you still there?"
"Yea.." his voice croaked out.
As we neared the shore I stood up dragging him in the sand taking in his appearance.
"God what happened?!"
I said taking off his soaking shirt to reveal his open wounds.
"The bat plan didn't go so well, so I tried to be the hero and distract them by standing in the middle of nowhere.... As you can probably tell it didn't go so well."
"Yea no shit."
"After Steve, Nancy and Robin got Dustin away I was left there. I don't blame them, I would've thought I was dead. But the- the bats didn't kill me, they just left to bleed."
"Look man I need- I need to try and walk. We need to get back to skull rock. I've got some supplies there."

-time skip-
I had managed to help Eddie half walk back to skull rock and put warm clothes on the both of us, some being a little tight for Eddie.
"Look I know your tired so right I need you to sleep. And if it feels like someone's trying to talk you or-rr or trying to listen to your head. Don't. Let. Them." I paused staring Eddie in the eyes. "If you do vecnas going to know I'm alive and our whole plans busted okay."

"Okay. I'll happily sleep. A-and I'll try to keep him out." Eddie said curling up tucked under the wedge of skull rock. I sat up eating some for food to regain my energy I prepared myself to go back into the void. I let the darkness consume me as I barricaded myself once more. A new fear looming over me as Eddie had possibly compromised elevens and is whole plan.
I attempted to connect to her without her knowing. I far as I could it worked.
I could see el sitting in the middle of the party. Not acknowledging me.
"El" I whispered.
No response this was a complicated as void searching could be, being able to get in someone's mind without them knowing was a struggle. But it was a skill vecna could do multiple times over at once.
I listened to her talk to everyone.
"She was with you how do you just lose her!" I heard max yell. Obviously the rundown had gone as expected.
"I- I don't know. But we need to keep the plan." Eleven mumbled scared of Max's outburst. She had never really been yelled at by the girl.
"El's right we need to eliminate Vecna before we try to find Sarah. She has powers she will be able to protect herself for a little while. Especially with us occupying vecnas time."
Mike said
I was shortly disconnected as another earthquake rattled through Hawkins.
I opened my eyes to hear the earth splitting once again. I rushed picking up my things and grabbing Eddie by the collar dragging him away before skull rock collapsed on itself.
The teen spring awake hyperventilating.
"I'm so sorry." He looked at me in fear.

I sat down quickly once again not bothering to protect myself I entered the void practically screaming elevens name as I searched for her and the party.
I focused calming myself down appearing back in the wheelers basement this time El made direct eye contact.

Her face fell solemn has we locked eyes tears brimming.
"It needs to happen now, he knows." Eleven visibly gulped at my statement.
"What is it?" Mike said trying to figure out what his girlfriend was looking at
"Hey! Eleven!" Steve said frightening to lose another one of his 'children'.
"I'm initiating the plan el" I said before bringing myself back to reality.
I stood up throwing on my backpack as Eddie stared at me.
"We need to get back to hawkins."
I grabbed the radio of the back pack placing batteries in it. This better work. I searched for the right channel.

"Dustin, do you copy. It's Sarah."
I spoke into the mic as Eddie and I started walking back in the direction of hawkins.
"SARAH" Max's voice boomed through the radio.
"Look I need everyone to listen to this."
I line of 'okays' and 'we're all here' could be heard.
"Listen to el. I have a special addition to our original plan but it affect you guys. I need you all. That means you too Steve. I need you all to listen to el plan ok."

"Yea ok but where are you." Steve said

"I can't say. It's apart of the plan. Now I've got to go okay."

"Wait- wait please." Max's voice called through the radio

"You just left. W-why?" Her voice broke. I looked up at Eddie desperately knowing I couldn't explain it to her right now.

"Max i... I really can't say it could jeopardise everything." The line fell silent as the crackle continued I heard what sounded like a door closing

"Was it because of me?" She now sounded like she was crying. Pain filled my eyes as slammed them shut.

"N-no max. Of course not." My voice cracked, "I - I love you ok. But I NEED to go."

"Okay" she whisper into the line.
I took out the batteries again tossing them back into my backpack along with the radio.

"You've got it pretty bad Baker." Eddie said


"Your in deep. I can see that. Hell. Anyone could see that."

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