Part 8

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"Dustin" a crackly voice cam from Dustin's heavy duty......walkie talkie?
" Dustin it's Lucas. Do you copy? Dustin"
"Lucas? Where the hell have you been?" Dustin's annoyance clearly heard
"Just listen. Are you guys looking for Eddie?"
"Yea we found him, no thanks to you"
"You found him?" Lucas almost sounded worried
"A boathouse on Coal Mill road, don't worry he's safe."
"You guys know he killed Chrissy right?"
"That's bullshit, Eddie tried to save Chrissy."
"Then why do all the cops say he did it?"
Max reached forward snatching it away from Dustin
"Lucas your so behind its ridiculous, okay? Just meet us at the school. We'll explain later."
" I-I- I can't. I think some real bad shits about to go down"
"What are you talking about? What bad shit" max asks as she's still leaning forward almost sitting on my lap.
"Lucas? Lucas!" Max repeats as we get no answer.

"Dustin do you copy?" Robins voice calls through the static
"Yea I copy"
"Sooo, Nancy's a genius. Vecnas first victims date all the way back to 1959 her shot in the dark was a bulls-eye" robin rushes out in one breath
"Okay, that's totally blonkers, but I can't really talk right now"
Wait what are you doing" Robin asked
"Breaking and entering school to retrieve confidential and extremely personal files"
"Can you repeat that?"
"Just get your ass over here. STAT we'll tell you everything"
Max unlocks the councillors door with the keys she stole we all walk into the room flashlights in hand.
Max rushes over to the file cabinet
"It's like a mini-water gate or something" Dustin says
"Hawkins gate" Dustin continues
"Didn't those guys get caught?" Steve edges on the conversation
"Holy shit " max says
" what?" I quietly ask shining the torch over to where she's looking
"You found it?" Dustin asks
"Yeah, and not just Chrissy's file. Fred was seeing ms. Kelley too."
"Shit" I say all of ours eyes darting between everyone.
Max flips through Chrissy's file whilst Steve holds Fred's, not wanting to intrude on his information. I hand one hand stabilising myself on the back of Max's chair and the other held a torch up so she could read the files, I also skimmed over the information. She stops for a second focusing on a certain page, " can you hand me feeds file?" Steve's mumbles an "yea sure" all of our attention now on max and her comparing of the two documents.
"Max what is it?" Steve asks quietly
"Max?" I touch her shoulder panic setting in to us.
"Max!" Dustin yells behind me
"Max!" I yell gently shaking her shoulders
"What's happening?" I ask Steve worry written on my face. We shared looks of confusion. A loud gasp from in front of us grabs our attention.
"Hey, hey?" I ask softly grabbing Max's face, she looked terrified.
"It was here. It was right here I swear" max says still panting
" a grandfather clock?" Nance asked
"It was so real" her voice almost broke, I wanted nothing more than to hold her hand and comfort her. But I couldn't, not here.
"And then when I got closer, suddenly I just.. I woke up"
"It was like she was in a trance or something" I said still in shock about the events
"Exactly what Eddie said happened to Chrissy." Dustin added
"That's not Eve the bad part"
Max lead us back to the office and showed everyone the files.
"Fred and Chrissy, they both came to ms. Kelley for help. Uh, they were both having headaches, bad headaches that wouldn't go away. And then, then the nightmares. Trouble sleeping, they'd wake up in a cold sweat and then they started seeing things. Bad things. From their past. These visions, they just they kept on getting worse and worse until eventually- everything ended."
"Vecnas curse" Robin said
"Chrissy's headaches started a week ago, Fred's six days ago." Max was about to tell the  part I was dreading most, "I've been having them for five days." My heart sank, salty tears brimmed my eyes as my jaw shuddered I took in a shaky breath.
"I don't know how long I have" her eyes finally meeting mine. " all I know is that for Fred and Chrissy, they both died less than 24hours after seeing their first vision. And I just saw that godamn clock, so- looks like I'm gonna die tomorrow."
A distant creak pulls us out of our trance, "stay here" Steve assures I quickly take the moment and grab Max's hand and squeeze it. We both look at each other in sorrow. The cluttering of Steve taking the lamp to defend himself is muffled, I was only focused on max. The others slowly follow Steve out, Robin turning back, "cmon" max drops my hand as we follow, robins hand finds the small of my back and rubs it in reassurance. She knew. Of course she knew. Takes one to know one.
Max and I stood behind the rest of them walking slowly down the hall way. Footsteps rapidly advanced on us and as the mystery person rounded the corner causing most to scream max flinched, hiding her head in my shoulder as I wrapped my arms around her.
"It's me" a squeaking voice called
"Lucas?" Nancy leant forward to get a better look. Max slowly turned around as I let go of her.
"It's me" his out of breath voice begged.
"Jesus, what's wrong with you?" Steve yells at him
"I'm sor-ry" he takes multiple breaths trying to spit out words
"I could've taken you out with this lamp!" Steve aggressively shakes in his face.
" Sor- , guys. Sorry" Lucas says still trying to catch his breath, " I was biking for eight miles, give me a second. Shit. We've got a code red."
"What?" Steve asks
"Dustin. I've been with Jason, Patrick, and Andy and they've gone totally off the rails, they're trying to capture Eddie, and they think you know where he is. You're in terrible danger."
"Alright, yeah, that definitely sucks but we've got bigger problems than Jason now"

Definitely not edited so uhh yea, watch out for that
Also, we are at 100 reads. 😊

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