Part 5

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I opened the house expecting to be yelled at, but silence.
"Mum!?" I called out into the house
"Kevin!?" Still nothing, I walked around. Searching each room to find nothing, until I spotted a note on the bench.
' dear daughter
If you're reading this you've decided to come home. Good job.
I've taken Kevin over to the Wheelers after the events of last night, I will not be back until this is all solved.
"Well that's not condescending at all" I rolled my eyes and opened the fridge. Wondering around the house with some cereal in a bowl I turned on the tv.
Oohh ad break
Nope news
I turned it off and just sat their in my thoughts. I thought about last night, just me and max I hope she doesn't regret what happened. I should go talk to her, make sure. So I got on my bike and started to head over to Dustin's, because.... Well let's face it there's no way i have the courage to talk to her again today, my confidence only extends so far.
I arrived at Dustin's and saw a familiar stake board on the ground. I knocked on the door to find a very disrupted mrs Henderson.
" uhh hi, is Dustin home?" 
"Y-yes, dusty another one of your friends is here!" She seemed on edge, I could the faint tv in the background. News.
I walked in and saw max, that's why the skateboard's familiar I thought wondering how I didn't notice.
"Hey" max says quietly
"Hi" Dustin interrupts our staring contest.
"Soo what are you doing here?" Max asked, it almost sounded like she was t happy to see me.
"Oh i um, I was gonna go to wheelers because my brothers there till mum comes home, but you know mikes not there. So i thought I would hang with Dustin instead but, I can go if you want me to"
"No it's fine " Dustin butted in before max could speak, for once I was great full of him and his big mouth.
"... we'll Dustin I just need to speak to you privately about something really quick" max said quickly yanking him out of the room and leaving me there.

It had been a solid ten minutes before I heard,
"Eddie the freak, AND CHRISSY THE CHEERLEADER?" Dustin said outside, why was max telling him about last night when I already knew?
"Holy shit Dustin shut up!" I heard Max yell back. What doesn't she want me to know about last night?
They walked back in to find me glaring at the both.
"What's going on"
"Nothing" max said shrugging her shoulders, I looked at her with hurt in my eyes that she was being so ignorant
"Don't worry you'll get used to her attitude it's been like that since-" a loud slap of maxs hand hitting Dustin's mouth to shut him up silenced all of us.
I dragged max to the bathroom and cornered her.
"What don't you want to tell me" I stared her straight in the eyes, "because last night you seemed like to wanted to tell me everything, but now you've shut me off" my breathing was heavy and uneven, and extremely loud. Max gave me a glance as if to see if I really wanted to know, before dragging the both of us back to Dustin.
"Start" she demanded
"What?" Dustin was clueless
"I wasn't there when it started so start. You know the first chapter of this cruel book so start god damnit Dustin!" Max walked off, crying? I wanted to follow her but she looked like she wanted space so instead, I listened. I listened to the past few years of their lives be jammed into 3 minutes.
"Superpowers, d&d monsters and multiple dimensions. In 3 years?" I asked after being gobsmacked by the butchered story Dustin told.
"Yea pretty much"
"And the girl is Mikes girlfriend?"
"Well then, consider me up-to-date"

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