2- Part 1

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As I dragged myself back to my room, opening the heavy door with '017' painted on the front I collapsed onto the squeaky bed.
Before slumber over took me and idea popped into my mind, due to my 'non cooperation' today I wouldn't have anymore visitors tonight.
I shot up with a sudden burst of energy properly shutting the door, heating the dead lock fall into place with a loud click, I turned on the sink allowing a slow trickle of water.
I sat in the corner underneath the camera, hopefully buying time before they would notice.

I wrapped part of my shirt around my head focusing on transporting myself to the void, to find her again.
I let my brain wonder focusing on the brunette girl, as I opened my eyes darkness filled my sight, nothing for what felt like miles, and echo of voices sounded behind me.

"She's in Nevada, a new facility" the same brunette girl spoke she was taking to a group of people but their backs faced me. Her eyes brows furrowed as she made direct eye contact with me.
"Can you see me?" I whispered she only stared.
"El what is it?" The familiar voice of Mike wheeler could be heard as his head whipped around trying to locate what she was looking at.
El? Like eleven?
My eyes looked to her wrist to find a similar tattoo to mine.
"Help me, please." I looked at her desperately, she nodded.
As I closed my eyes again a sense of dread filled my body, I slowly took of my make shift blindfold as the tap had stopped running.
"What do you think your doing?" A very mad guard belt down in front of me with Christine stood behind him.
"I-I was practising, I couldn't focus today, I thought I might be able to do better next week if I practise." I said holding a solid stare with the two adults. In return the restrained me back to my bed, keeping the lights on permanently in case I tried to visit the void again.
As my tiredness caught up with me all I could think of,
Could she really hear and see me?
Eleven was now my only hope, with no certain idea of when I would be able to contact her again, I prayed to whatever gods hoping she heard me.

The next couple of days went by, Christine would wake me up and didn't let me out of her sight until I was restrained again. I wasn't aloud to involve myself in activities in case i had my own plans- which I did.
However on this particular morning Christine woke me up at what seemed to be VERY early, and judging by the bags under her eyes I was correct.
She entered with guards following and the sudden sound of sirens invaded my room.
"What- what's going on?"
"Shut her up." As they carried me out I looked down the halls to see everyone being escorted out of the building.

We've been breached.

Shock filled my face, almost happily
"HELP!" I screamed thrashing in the guards arms
"Shut it up" the woman snapped

It? Is that all I was to her now?

That was my last thought before the familiar drugs entered my body once more. God I hope this is elevens doing.

-time skip-

As I woke up I realised we still hadn't left the facility. Gunfire sounded around us as myself Christine and a few guards sat waiting for our escape. I realised we must have been close to an exit as I could here the sound of cars and helicopters circling the building, I turned my head to look around, noticing a collar on my neck, as I went to touch it a shock rushed through my body
"I wouldn't touch that if I were you" one of the guards whispered holding up a remote.
The sound of a door bursting open shocked us all. The guards shuffled the the front protecting us- well Christine, I just happened to be there. Heavy combat boots scuffed the floors outside the room, and soft radio chatter could be heard.
Four taps on the door was the last noise made by anyone outside. Dead dreadful silence filled the air for five seconds, the deafening blow of the door crashing into the guards as officers filled in surrounding Christine, I hid behind the table hoping to plan my escape. As the three officer handcuffed the woman and dragged her out one of them happened to stand on a certain remote breaking it, causing my collar to fall of, that was after a shock of pain, fatally caused me to pass out.
Someone would assume I'd have a tolerance by now.

Hours went by before I woke again, by body requiring the much needed rest. When I opened my eyes I found myself still hiding under old rumble, the wavering siren stil rang throughout the facility, yet no gunfire, radio chatter or Cobar boot could be heard.

They just left? Like that? Poof gone?

My head filled with questions. But one thing stood out.

I can leave.

I ran around searching rooms to find a few bodies here and there, all the children must have been caught or escaped, only fallen soldiers littered the ground. I ran to my room grabbing my backpack and a few spare clothes rushing through to the eating area. Rummaging the kitchen for and long life item to take with me. And after so much running and 3 too many flights of stairs I made it. I opened the front doors to be met with forestry.
I thought the void was scary but seeing nothing but thick green trees anyone could get lost in was worse.
I felt sick to my stomach was I entered the nothingness, whispers echoed around me as the screams from the lab entered my mind.
There was no way I could could make it out of here, not by myself at least. So I did the one thing I new I could. I sat in the middle of the trees using the sound of the wind to calm me. Wrapping spare cloth around my eyes, entering the void for the third time.

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