Part 6

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I walked around Dustin's house and found Max sitting just outside on the grass, "hey"
"Your not gonna leave?" Max asked, her voice cracking
"Why would I leave max?"
"Because Sarah! Dustin just told you that a world ending creature might be back and another death dimension might open and your cousins girlfriend used to have powers, like actual freaking mind powers" she blurted out in one breath.
"Max" I said softly, I grabbed her hand to make her face me, "I'm not gonna leave you" she gave me a bone crushing hug, but I didn't mind. I wiped the tears off her face and we got up and walked back inside.
After we sit back down with Dustin, max and I tell him about what we saw, the power pulsing, tv cutting out and Eddie scream running to his van driving away.
"Maybe- I- i don't know. Maybe he was scared . Because m-maybe"
"Something else killed her." Dustin finished Max's stuttering. She nodded scared.
"But that's impossible? Didn't you say hopper and Joyce closed the gate?" I asked
"It should be... there's only one person who knows what actually happened."
"Eddie" max and I say in unison. We run out max and Dustin exchanging words about who we told, as we rush out the door mrs Henderson shaking voice stops Dustin.
"We'll be careful. Thanks. Love you. Bye" he spits out closing the door.
We speed off on our bikes to the video store.
"Hey, steve" Dustin demands, "how many phones you got?"
"Someone was murdered" he retorts
"How many phones do you have?"
"Two, three if you count Keith's" robin shrugs
"Three could work" max says as we all nod at each other. Max and I walk around while Dustin jumps over the counter earning disapproving comments from robin and Steve. While Max, Dustin and Robin rapidly called numbers I was watching Steve helplessly try to pick up girls. Just as another left the store Max starts talking, "hey guys, I might have a lead" she said cheerfully
"Seriously" Dustin asked full of hope
"Apparently, Eddie gets his drugs from some guy named reefer Rick and sometimes Eddie crashes there."
"That sounds promising, where does this reefer Rick guy live?" Robin asked
"See, that's the thing... know one knows, he's more of a ... a legend. Than someone that people actually know."
"A last name?" I wondered
"Nope" she stated popping the 'p' sound
"I bet the cops know his last name" a monotone voice came from behind us
"What now Steve?" i asked annoyed at his antics
"Cops" he paused, "I mean listen if this reefer Rick is actually a drug dealer I guarantee he's been busted at some point- means his in the system"
"The cops?" Dustin emphasised "really Steve that's your suggestion"
"I-i think at this point they should be filled in on what we know, what's going on"
"You think Eddie's guilty don't you?"
" I believe in innocent until proven guilty all that constitutional shit..I just you know don't think that we can rule it out"
"That's precisely what we are trying to do here Steve" max says from beside me, I notice how close together we are- I could almost grab her hand- no I shouldn't.
"Maybe we'd have a little bit more luck if you spent less time trying to find a girlfriend and more time trying to find Eddie!"
"Oh well seriously someone has to attend to the customers"
"Especially if they're babes, right?" I ask butting into their argument
" hey not fair, I attend to all the customers equally babes and non-babes alike we've got a VERY big selection in here. It can be super overwhelming for people."
"Yea it can be" Robin added on turning towards the computer
"What are you doing?" Max asked
"Maybe we don't need a last name" Robin said as she typed away, "12 ricks already have accounts here"
"Lot of ricks" I said
"So, let's narrow it down" Robin said, and that's just what we did. We found out that Rick Lipton was our reefer Rick who ironically lived in the middle of nowhere.

After searching the windows in the house we found out Eddie had been hiding out in the boat in ricks shed.
Currently Dustin and I were screaming at Eddie to let Steve go
"Eddie we are on your side... I swear on my mother, right guys?"
"Yes" "yep" "we swear" "on Dustin's mother" max robin and I spit out words.
"Yea, Dustin's- Dustin's mother " Steve manages to speak through the tight grip Eddie has.
He finally lets go and sits o. The ground in defeat.
"Eddie we just want to talk" Dustin comforts him
"We wanna know what happened" max adds
"You won't believe me" Eddie's voice cracks
"Try us" I say with a shrug, after what I heard this morning I'm up for anything.
Eddie's shaky voice retells the events in horror.
"You all think I'm crazy right?" He scoffs
"No we don-"
"We're not bullshitting you" max says
"We believe you" Robin adds
" look what I'm about to tell you might be a little difficult to take" Dustin admits
"O-ok" Eddie whispers
"You know how people say Hawkins is a little cursed, there not way off, there's another twirls a world hidden underneath ours and sometimes it bleeds into ours."
"Like ghosts and shit?"Eddie asks
"There are somethings worse than ghosts" max adds with a look of dread.
"These monsters from this other world, we thought they were gone, but they've come back before, that's why we needed to find you" Dustin continued
"If they're back again we need to know" Robin said
"That night did you see anything" Dustin asked
"Dark particles or anything"
"It would almost look like dust, swirling dust" at this point we were all on the same wavelength finishing each others sentences to question Eddie.
"No man there was nothing you could see or uhh or touch, you know I tried to wake her it was like she was in a trance or something"
" or under a spell"
"A curse"
"Vecnas curse"
"Who's Vecna?" Steve and I asked
"An undead creature of great power"
"A spell caster"
"A dark wizard"
Dustin and Eddie stared at each other knowing the destruction this could cause, and for the first time max grabbed my hand squeezing it as I rubbed my thumb over hers.
This was it I'm in too deep now

So Um happy pride month guys.
Anyways feel free to abuse my mistakes I'll take any criticism I can get and I wanna make this better for you guys😊

Xoxo gossip girl
I should probably stop this 😂

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