2- part 3

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"Jesus!" I barely dodged the arrows flying past looking at the culprit running through the house. Suzie paused in her tracks turning around with her hands on her hips.
"- was a good man. Yep Jesus was a very good man" I said popping the p. "So uhh cerebro?" I asked hopefully
"Fine" she turned back around as I let out a sigh of relief following her up the stairs.

After I watched her set up Suzue started talking into the mic, "dusty bun do you copy, this is suzie poo?"
The boys lips sounded through the static
"Suzie poo? What's the mater you don't usually call at this hour, however now you mention it I think out channel has been breached, I heard some sta-"
"That was me!" I quickly spoke after suzie finally agreed to let me touch the machine
"I- I made it to Salt Lake City, b-barely but I made it Dustin." My skittishness could've been noticed by a dead man.
"Oh thank god, we were getting worried, I mean especially max she's been freaking out since she woke up in the hospital. You should've seen her it was as if Steve lost is hairspray" Dustin started giggling. "Sarah?"
I sat there in silence. A goofy smile planted on face as I stared out the window muffled sounds of Dustin and suzie talking.

She's alive

"Dustin is anyone there with you?" I asked shuffling back over next to suzie.
"N-no all our parents have us on lockdown. Steve and Robin have been out messengers, making sure everyone's ok."
He sounded drained, I knew they all felt like one big family
"Are the Byers back?"
"Yea, but non of our parents are too happy about seeing the boy and girl who supposedly started our problems, they're all fairly anti Byers at the moment."
"Right. And Eddie?"
"Oh." Dustin's voice squeaked, a slight sniffle before he spoke again. "He uhm. He tried to give Steve and them more time, and the. The de-demo bats."
"Dustin I'm so sorry"
"Nah it's ok, he got his hero ending"
I stepped back in shock as my face turned solemn suzie tried to sympathise for Dustin, she had heard many conversations about the great Eddie Munson.
"I'll spread the news for you. See how fast we can get you home."
"I uhh have some cash left Dustin. I'm going to try and catch a plane. Hopefully before the end of the week."
"Ok, I-I've got to go. Mums not gonna be happy."
"Ok, hey Dustin?"
"Your like a brother you know that"
"Yea" his quiet shaking voice was heard before the radio turned off, tears brimmed my eyes threatening to fall.
"Thank you suzie, I'll uhm I'll let myself out." I knew no matter how much I could try to hide Susie's parents wouldn't like the idea of a stranger in their home, let alone a stranger who dares to say the lords name in vain.
I walked down the stairs, and out the door. One final glance at Susie's house, mesmerising her address in case my plan didn't work. I had been walking for a while, making my way back to the park to finally sleep. When I did the same bench waited for me, calling my name, looking oh so comfortable for a nights sleep. As soon as my back hit the wooden chair I was in a deep slumber.

The next morning I rummaged my pockets for spare change to catch the public bus down to the airport. As I stood at the stood that same elderly woman walked past.
"Here darling, good things come to those who wait." She said dropping a handful of coins and dollar notes into my hand
"Oh wow thank you!" I said as she walked away.
I entered the bus quietly sitting at the front. Never trusting the back of a back, I made small talk with the driver to keep myself awake as he told me about his amazing new puppy he had bought.
"Sounds adorable." I commented
"He is, say where are you off too so early in the morning child?" He asked
"I've got a plane to catch, have to back home."
"Oh, how lovely."
The rest of the drive was quite peaceful a calming silence fell between us as I looked out at the city shining in the morning rays.
"Here you are, closest stop to the airport" he said before opening the doors. I had to walk another block or so, but once I was there I quickly rummaged through my port chucking out non essentials and anything metal, quickly recounting the money I had stolen from the lab.
As I walked up the the front desks, getting the next flight as close as I could to Hawkins, whilst also being able to keep enough money to find the rest of the way.

After finalising my payment and mailing my way through security I sat in my waiting area patiently waiting to be able to board. This was the hardest part. The waiting.
The anticipation.
The anxiousness.
The wanted to be there right now.
I didn't have time to wait.
I wanted to see my family.
My new family.
My brothers Dustin and Steve.
My older overprotective sister Nancy.
My cool 'I do what a I want' sister robin.
My funny neighbours Erica and Lucas.
The crush across the road.
The girl I stare at in class.
The one daydream about.
My person.
My max.
I want them to be with me.
Not in a few hours, possibly a day.
I needed them now.

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