2-part 10

382 11 3

"It's been days since I got back and eleven and I still haven't found a single person in the void.
Not a soul.
Which means one of three things
1.Christine and/or the government had captured all the children and locked them up without powers.
2.the lost kids are REALLY good at hiding themselves
Or 3.

There isn't anyone to find."
My eyes drifted to the floor as I stood in the middle of the group of teens, and Erica.
"AND we still don't know what happened to Eddie after you guys escaped the upside down. For all we know he's still alive." I said remembering Dustin's words.
"We don't know that." Steve mumbled
"And we don't know if he's dead so." I threw my arms up in the air, turning around running my sweating hands through my hair as I looked out the window, staring into the looming clouds.
"We need more time." Mike said breaking the intense silence.
"Well no shit we also need a full proof plan on how to kill this son of bitch wheeler!" Steve stormed off Dustin scurrying behind him.
"He's not wrong!" I shouted before hearing the door slam.
My eyes were draw to max sitting on the edge of the couch with her headphones hanging loosely around her neck.
"What. What if we gave everyone a cheat code?" I asked mesmerised by the Walkman.
"How so?" Nancy asked sitting next to robin on the couch.
"We gather and buy the Walkmans around here so we all have one. And we all grab our favourite mixtapes. That way we can hopefully use as much time as we need." I said putting the prices together as the words came out of my mouth.
"What sort of music would we need?" Will asked
"Yea how do we know what everyone needs?" Johnathan asked after his brother.
"Simple. All you need is your favourite song." I said with a slow smirk appearing on my face. "And bada boom. Cheat code." Lucas and the girls chuckled at my Dustin reference. While the California crew stared in confusion.

-time skip-

While we all spread out through the town in search of all our spare mixtapes and any Walkmans we saw eleven and I talked about our plan.
"I still feel like one is going to be more powerful. Maybe this won't work as long as you might think." El said concerned about our lack of knowledge.
"I thought that." I paused thinking over every possibility, "it's possible to hide from the void right?"
"I think so." She replied not entirely sure
"What if I hid from him. And everyone. And you would need to hide this memory. And it would seem like I just fell of the end of the earth."
"What?" She tilted her head in confusion
"If I tell no one I'm going to hide. And I leave. One won't know where I am or if I'm alive. So I'll be able to come back and surprise him."
"When would you leave." She asked


I had only just got my family back and I would have to leave. Eleven was the only person who would be able to block her memories. I just had to trust her to make sure they dont come after me.
"You need to practise."

"I'll hide in this building and you need to find me using the void I'll try my best to hide from you."
I ran upstairs locking myself in a cupboard. As I calmed myself down I entered the void creating my own barricade to protect myself. El and I had timers going that would go off after 20 minutes.

It wasn't a good practise against the real thing.
But it was good enough.

The barricade consisted of memories.
Like what max did I exposed my light memories to hid myself, she might see the memories but she won't be able to see me currently.
After my timer started buzzing I rushed downstairs.
"Did you see me?" I asked wiping the blood trickling down my chin.
"No, I thought I found your memories but that all."
"Good." We stared at each other intensely. "You need to make sure they do t come after me." My eyes started watering. "And they all better be alive when I come back." My voice broke.
"I will... I'll try my best." El hugged me as I threw on my backpack. "I'll protect her."
I nodded slowly making my way to the road.

"Remember, 19:30 on Tuesday night. Sharp." I paused making sure it sunk in. "If I don't hear from you-"
"You'll come back anyway" she gave me a slight smile and nodded.
I turned around watching the sky fall dark.
Starting my journey to the outskirts of the town again. I would go back skull rock, it's s secluded enough for me to focus as much as I can. No noise near by for him to track me.

I never told eleven where I would only that it would be closer than I explained.
I didn't want to leave Hawkins entirely, just enough for Vecna to loose me. I was also close enough to a gateway if eleven needed me to help her attack him in the upside down.

These next 24 hours would be hell.
I needed to regularly eat and hydrate with my supplies without giving Vecna an opening to track me.

I also needed to make sure I didn't fall asleep. But I've been doing a lot of that lately so it wouldn't be much of a challenge.

I was about 8 hours in and it was 2:30 Tuesday morning.
I had momentarily paused making sure to keep myself warm wiping away the excessive blood dripping down to my neck. I could hear a faint gasp in the distance and the splashing of water.
Who in their sane mind would be at liver lake in a time like this
I got up not likening the fact someone could disturb the piece. As I approached closer to the lake I saw a boy splashing around in the water.

God that's disgustingly long hair.
And who goes swimming fully clothed.

I cupped my hands either side of my mouth to shout "Eddie!"

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