Part 16

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We all gathered around the table as Eddie brought over the phone book
"Check this out, the war zone. I've been there once, it's huge they got everything you need for uhh well uh, killing things basically?"
"You think fake Rambo has enough guns there? Is that a grenade? I mean, how is any of this legal?" Robin asked pointing at the paper add.
"We'll lucky for us it is so.... This place is just far enough outside of Hawkins as long as we steer clear of main roads we oughta be able to avoid cops and uh, angry hicks"
"If were trying to avoid angry Hicks maybe we shouldn't go to some store called the war zone" Erica sassily backchatted to Eddie
"Normally Id agree but we need the weapons so I think it's worth the risk." Nancy reasoned to the girl
"Me too" Lucas added
"Yeah but is it worth the time? It'll take all day to bike there and back" Dustin said
"Who said anything about bikes?" Eddie half chuckled out
"You got some car we don't know about?" Steve asked
"It's not exactly a car Steve and it's not exactly mine but uh, it'll do" Eddie turned around to where max stood in the door way away from us all, "hey red uh you got a ski mask or a bandanna something like that?" Max gave him a sort of like that said, 'I have something in mind but your not gonna like it'
And that was precocity what happens when she walked out with an old Michael Myers's mask in her hand.
"Is that from halloween?" Dustin asked chuckling a few years ago when max had first moved she dressed up in the mask to scare that party. Mike told me about that day over the phone. That was back when the two of us were closer. I never really connected the dots that max was the same 'annoying red headed girl' Mike droned on about that was apparently 'ruining the party'
We all followed behind Eddie's as he led us through the back of the trailer park to a certain trailer to which he climbed in through the window.
"Aren't they sitting right there?" I whisper
Robin only shrugged her shoulders
As we all filled in through the window as quiet as possible.
As the splatter of the engine made me jumped after Eddie finally started the van, the loud sound of up around the bend echoed through the motor home as the owners who were in fact sitting outside got up starting to yell and bang on the metal.
"Everybody hang on to something!" Steve yelled before driving off
"Oh my god oh my god!" Lucas freaked out trying to grab on something
"Drive Steve drive!" Dustin screamed from beside me
"Shit they look pissed!" He said as we looked back the the couple through the back window
"I mean it's not everyday you lose your house and car in one fell swoop."
"Hold on! Hold on!" Steve shouted again before making a sharp turn and running over several bins in the process.
"Jesus" I said turning to sit down properly resting my right hand on Max's leg in the process.
"No, just Steve's driving" Dustin said making a death joke turning around in the seat as well
"Can't believe he didn't trust me to drive" max said smiling at Dustin and Lucas causing me to look at them all in question. "One trashed parking lot and a few mail boxes and suddenly I'm the bad driver?"
"W-what?" I chuckled
"Steve got KO'ed by billy and we drove off with him in the car and when he came to... let's just say he wasn't that excited to see max driving" Lucas said smiling at the memory
After that we all sat comfortably in a soft silence.
We were probably 20 minutes into the drive before my thoughts got the best of me.
"Hey" I said softly as I squeezed max leg to get her attention a she paused her Walkman. "So I've been thinking,"
"Wow that must have been hard"  a smirk appear on the Mayfield girls face
"Shut up" I playfully glared, two of the three Vecna victims were seeing ms Kelley right?"
"Yeah" max shrugged her shoulders
"Okay so I figure there's a good chance Vecna cursed another one of her students, we go back to her office, we read all of her files, we look for mentions of headaches, nosebleeds, nightmares. We identify-"
" we identify his most likely next victim. We stake out his house-"
"Sarah stop. We don't have time for any of that. Okay? And even if we did. Even if you plan did work, we'd be putting a total stranger at risk. A stranger who has no idea what they're up against. I do. He uses my memories against me. But only my darkest memories same with Chrissy and Fred right?"
"It's like he only sees the darkness in us. So I'll just run in the opposite direction. Run to the light. And maybe he won't be able to find me there."
"How exactly do you plan on doing this?"
"I'm not sure. But it's my mind. Not his right? So I should be able to control where I am. I just need to push him away. Find a happy memory and hide there. Hide in the light."
"You got a memory in mind?"
"Yea, it was a time when I was happiest"
"Was I there?"
"That's presumptuous of you. But yeah. Yea you might have been there"
"Okay but the second you start to lift I'm calling it Kate bush. All right?"
"Okay. Deal"
"Deal" we smiled at each other as max put her headphone back on to resume the Walkman.
As she turned to look out the window she  kissed my shoulder before her chin rested there.
As we pulled up at war zone Dustin Lucas and I decided to stay in the van with Eddie while the others got the supplies. The other were sitting in silence in our own respected areas as I looked out the window lost in my thoughts staring into the small amount of the parking lot I could see.

God that car looks familiar. Where have I seen that before.

The door of the trailer burst open
"We gotta go" Steve said into the drivers seat
"Your old friends are here" Erica said

Shit that's how I know that car

"Let's go let's go!"
"I'm going!" Steve yelled back at Eddie as he started the engine. As we drove out we passed Jason and his posse in the lot staring down the trailer as it drove past.

I'm trying to be nice and finish writing both episodes tonight😬😬

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